The Mask of Art: Breaking the Aesthetic Contract—Film and Literature"In this critique of aesthetics and the politics of representation, Taylor demonstrates astonishing breadth and depth in arguing for 'breaking the aesthetic contract' that excludes anything that does not conform to Eurocentric notions of beauty. . . . it brings to black studies and cultural critique an internationalism that emphasizes the richness of forms of creative expression outside the norms set by European aesthetics. Highly recommended . . ." —Choice |
Figureground vasefaces per Rubin | 32 |
The Control of Cultural Meaning | 53 |
Salvaging the Aesthetic | 70 |
CHAPTER 5 | 103 |
The Aesthetic the Movie | 124 |
The Ironies of Aesopianism | 176 |
Radical Ethiopicism | 197 |
CHAPTER 10 | 219 |
The SelfAuthenticating Narrative | 240 |
The Imperfect Narrative of Resistance | 254 |
Daughters of the Terreiros | 274 |
But Is It Art? | 289 |