The Measurement of Intelligence: An Explanation of and a Complete Guide for the Use of the Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale

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Houghton Mifflin, 1916 - Psychology - 362 pages
The constant and growing use of the Binet-Simon intelligence scale in public schools, institutions for defectives, reform schools, juvenile courts, and police courts is sufficient evidence of the intrinsic worth of the method. It is generally recognized, however, that the serviceableness of the scale has hitherto been seriously limited, both by the lack of a sufficiently detailed guide and by a number of recognized imperfections in the scale itself. The Stanford revision and extension has been worked out for the purpose of correcting as many as possible of these imperfections, and it is here presented with a rather minute description of the method as a whole and of the individual tests. The aim has been to present the explanations and instructions so clearly and in such an untechnical form as to make the book of use, not only to the psychologist, but also to the rank and file of teachers, physicians, and social workers. More particularly, it is designed as a text for use in normal schools, colleges, and teachers' reading-circles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2004 APA, all rights reserved).


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Page 46 - Intelligence is a general capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements: it is general mental adaptability to new problems and conditions of life.
Page 59 - What ought you to say when some one asks your opinion about a person you don't know very well?" (b) "What ought you to do before undertaking (beginning) something very important? " (c) "Why should we judge a person more by his actions than by his words?
Page 80 - One who is capable of earning a living under favorable circumstances, but is incapable, from mental defect existing from birth, or from an early age, (a) of competing on equal terms with his normal fellows; or, (b) of managing himself and his affairs with ordinary prudence.
Page 316 - An Indian who had come to town for the first time in his life saw a white man riding along the street. As the white man rode by the Indian said — 'The white man is lazy; he walks sitting down.
Page 91 - CP represent the level of intelligence which is very, very common among Spanish-Indian and Mexican families of the Southwest and also among negroes. Then- dullness seems to be racial, or at least inherent in the family stocks from which they come.
Page 177 - I am going to ask you a question and I want you to tell me the truth. What has happened to you and how is it that you are going to bear a child?" Then the daughter replied and said, " Mother I will tell you the truth, I do not know how I became with child.
Page viii - Questions relating to the choice of studies, vocational guidance, schoolroom procedure, the grading of pupils, promotional schemes, the study of the retardation of children in the schools, juvenile delinquency, ,and the proper handling of sub-normals on the one hand- and of gifted children on the other — all alike acquire new meaning and significance when viewed in the light of the measurement of intelligence as outlined in this volume.
Page 178 - There is something wrong with this face. It is not all there. Part of it is left out. Look carefully and tell me what part of the face is not there.
Page 291 - Farther on they met a company of women, who shouted out: " Why, you lazy old fellow, to ride along so comfortably while your poor boy there can hardly keep pace by the side of you! " And so the good-natured miller took his boy up behind him and both of them rode. As they came to the town a citizen said to them, " Why, you cruel fellows! You two are better able to carry the poor little donkey than he is to carry you.
Page 52 - ... tests, as reported by the investigators who used them. This trial scale was then given to about one thousand children up to the age of fourteen, and to about four hundred adults. In regard to the selection of the children upon whom the test was standardized, the authors make the following statement: "A plan was then devised for securing subjects who should be as nearly as possible representative of the several ages. The method was to select a school in a community of average social status, a...

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