The Near East Under Roman Rule: Selected PapersBRILL, 1998 - 481 עמודים The studies in this collection deal with a variety of subjects. Their focus is the Roman Empire in the East, the Roman army, Judaea in the Roman period, and Jewish history. Inscriptions are published in them and literary sources discussed. First, Judaea in the period before the arrival of the Romans as well as under Roman rule forms the centre of attention. Here, articles on specific documents are presented and historical problems discussed ranging from the Seleucid period to the Later Roman Empire. The second part of the book contains studies of the wider area and the third part is concerned with the Roman army, its organisation and aims in the Frontier areas. Many of these papers are hard to find and it is particularly valuable to have all of them together and logically arranged in one volume. Moreover extensive discussions of recent publications and newly published material have been added here. |
Antiochus V Eupator and the Sidonians | 3 |
Postscript | 19 |
A Donation for Herods Temple in Jerusalem | 21 |
Judaea under Roman Rule ix xi XV xix 3 19 | 24 |
Two Greek Inscriptions from Tell AbuShusha | 31 |
31 | 34 |
The Elder Trajan and Vespasian | 36 |
Postscript | 45 |
B Isaac and I Roll Legio II Traiana | 208 |
B Isaac and A Oppenheimer The Revolt of | 220 |
Ethnic Groups in Judaea under Roman Rule | 257 |
Eusebius and the Geography of Roman Provinces | 284 |
The Babatha Archive | 303 |
Postscript | 307 |
A Neglected Inscription | 313 |
New Evidence from | 322 |
Vespasians Titulature in A D 69 | 47 |
From Vespasian to Constantine | 48 |
36 | 54 |
3886 | 63 |
Gichon and B Isaac A Flavian Inscription from Jerusalem | 64 |
Postscript | 69 |
The Foundation of Aelia Capitolina | 87 |
Postscript | 109 |
Judaea after A D 70 | 113 |
Postscript | 120 |
Bandits in Judaea and Arabia | 149 |
Postscript | 152 |
Hadrians Reign | 182 |
B Isaac and I Roll Legio II Traiana in Judaea | 198 |
Inscriptions from Southern Jordan | 334 |
The Meaning of Limes and Limitanei in Ancient | 345 |
87 | 377 |
Hierarchy and CommandStructure in the Roman | 388 |
An Open Frontier | 403 |
Military Diplomas and Extraordinary Levies | 427 |
The Persian Wars | 437 |
109 | 461 |
112 | 462 |
471 | |
474 | |
476 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
The Near East under Roman Rule: Selected Papers <span dir=ltr>B.H. Isaac</span> תצוגה מקדימה מוגבלת - 2018 |
The Near East Under Roman Rule: Selected Papers <span dir=ltr>Benjamin H. Isaac</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 1998 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Aelia Capitolina ancient Applebaum Arabia archaeological attested authorities Avi-Yonah Babatha Bar Kokhba revolt Bostra Bowersock Byzantine Caesar Caesarea Caparcotna centurions CIL XVI cohort coins colony command Decapolis described desert discussed documents East Egypt Eleutheropolis emperor Eusebius evidence excavations fourth century frontier Galilee garrison Gerasa governor Greek Hadrian Hebrew Historia Augusta History ibid imperial inscription Israel Jamnia Jerusalem Jewish Revolt Jews Josephus Judaea land Latin legate legion legionary limitanei Limits of Empire mentioned milestones military Millar Nabataean Negev Nessana nomads noted Onomasticon Palaestina Palestine period Persian Petra province Ptolemais refers reign Roman army Roman Empire Roman road Rome Schürer Scythopolis second century Second Revolt Sepphoris settlement Severus Sidonians Smallwood soldiers supra Syme Syria Tacitus talmudic Temple territory third century Thomsen tion Traiana Trajan troops unit Vespasian village ZDPV δὲ ἐν καὶ τῆς τῶν