The New English HymnalCanterbury Press Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd, 1 jan 1989 - 544 pagina's Includes general hymns; hymns for feasts, seasons and saints' days; office hymns for the liturgical year; an enlarged eucharistic section; responsorial psalms and a new English folk mass setting. |
Introductory Matter ixiv | 3 |
Times and Seasons | 211 |
Sacraments and Other Rites | |
General Hymns 331478 | |
Church and People | |
Liturgical Section 501542 | |
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12th century adore Alleluya Amen angels behold bless blessèd blest blood bread bright bring Catherine Winkworth century Tr Charles Wesley Christopher Wordsworth Church Cross crown darkness dear death didst divine dost doth earth endless English Hymnal eternal everlasting evermore eyes faith Father fear gifts glad glorious God the Father God's Grant Hail hand hath hear heart heaven heavenly Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honour Isaac Watts Jesus Christ King Lamb Lamb of God Latin light living Lord lowly Mary morning night o'er OFFICE HYMN peace Percy Dearmer praise thee pray prayer proclaim Psalm Redeemer reign rejoice rest risen Robert Bridges salvation Saviour shine sing sinners sins song sorrow soul splendour star sweet thine thou art thou hast thy face thy grace thy love thy name thy saints thy throne Timothy Dudley-Smith Tr J. M. Neale Trinity truth unto Venantius Fortunatus voice word worship