The Oxford Magazine: Or, Universal Museum, Jilid 6-7

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Halaman 32 - While, lightly poised, the scaly brood In myriads cleave thy crystal flood ; The springing trout in speckled pride; The salmon, monarch of the tide; The ruthless pike, intent on war; The silver eel and mottled par. Devolving from thy parent lake, A charming maze thy waters make, By bowers of birch and groves of pine, And edges flowered with eglantine.
Halaman 52 - ... he would have undergone the fate of Romulus. It is probable that Numa concerted his measures with great prudence, and deceived the Romans with a view to their advantage, with an address, suited to the time, the place, and the genius of that people. Mahomet was twenty times on the point of miscarrying; but, at length, he succeeded with the inhabitants of Medina, and was believed to be the intimate friend of the angel Gabriel. At present, should...
Halaman 136 - I confess, or frailties in abundance. They were kings or gentlemen, not hypocrites or priests. They were at the head of the Church, but did not know the value of their office. They said their prayers without ceremony, and had too little priestcraft in their understanding to reconcile the sanctimonious forms of religion with the utter destruction of the morality of their people.
Halaman 238 - I'm gone; But pity me Had I but early known Thy wond'rous worth, thou excellent young man, We had been happier both Now, 'tis too late ; And yet my eyes take pleasure to behold thee; Thou art their last dear object Mercy, Heav'n ! [She dies.
Halaman 94 - It delighteth them who take it ; so do the pleasures of the world delight the men of the world. Thirdly, It maketh men drunken and light in the head; so do the vanities of the world : men are drunken therewith.
Halaman 216 - Let him study the Holy Scriptures, especially the New Testament. Therein are contained the words of eternal life. It has God for its author; salvation for its end ; and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter.
Halaman 145 - Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me : he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me. 7 He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
Halaman 165 - Foy for arrack, &c. which were to be forwarded to Paris. I believe they were sent, but they never passed through my hands, nor do I know whether Mr.. Wildman has yet been paid for those trifles, the whole of which amounted only, as he told me, to about thirty pounds. Your endeavours to create a coolness between Mr.
Halaman 167 - Jif teen pence in the world. It is you that treat " me ill, not they. I am not duped, sir; and " I desire I may at least have the honour of " doing what I do with my eyes open. Go back " and look after them; give yourself no concern " about me: I shall act in the same manner as " if they had engaged with me. The die is " cast: if I had not thought that all was. at
Halaman 51 - His friends, among whom he distributed it generously, observing the condition required, found its utility, and extolled it. He was thence encouraged to sell it at a crown the bottle; and the sale was prodigious. It was no more than the water of the Seine, mixed with a little nitre. Those who made use of it, and were attentive, at the same time, to regimen, or who were happy in good constitutions, soon recovered their usual health.

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