The Pacific Reporter, Volume 91West Publishing Company, 1907 "Comprising all the decisions of the Supreme Courts of California, Kansas, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Oklahoma, District Courts of Appeal and Appellate Department of the Superior Court of California and Criminal Court of Appeals of Oklahoma." (varies) |
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action adverse possession affidavit affirmed alleged amended amount Appeal from Superior appellant assessment attorney authority Cent claim Code Civ complaint concur Constitution contract convention corporation coun court of equity damages decree deed defendant defendant's demurrer denied district court duty election enabling act error evidence execution fact fendant filed finding granted habeas corpus held issue Judge judgment jurisdiction jury justice land lease Legislature lien ment mortgage motion Note.-For officers Oklahoma opinion ordinance Osage Indian reservation owner paid party payment person petition plaintiff plaintiff in error pleadings possession proceedings purchase purpose question reason respondent rule Shawnee county statute stockholders Superior Court Supreme Court sustained territory territory of Oklahoma testified testimony thereof tiff tion treasury stock trial court Wash witness Woods county writ