The Parliamentary Register: Proceedings and Debates, Volym 6

J. Debrett., 1802

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Sida 77 - ... threats, promises, or otherwise won to his designs and employs them to bring in such who have promised beforehand what to vote and what to enact.
Sida 409 - An Act for the more effectual preventing of Frauds and Abuses committed by Persons employed in the Manufacture of Hats, and in the Woollen, Linen, Fustian, Cotton, Iron, Leather, Fur, Hemp, Flax, Mohair, and Silk Manufactures, and for preventing unlawful Combinations of Journeymen Dyers and Journeymen Hotpressers, and of all Persons employed in the said several Manufactures, and for the better Payment of their Wages ;' and by certain provisions of an act passed in the s
Sida 373 - You are now at the mercy of every little German chancery; and the pretensions of France will increase daily, so as to become an avowed party in either peace or war. We have tried for unconditional submission: try what can be gained by unconditional redress. Less dignity will be lost in the repeal than in submitting to the demands of German chanceries. We arc the aggressors.
Sida 343 - That an humble address be presented to His Majesty, to return His Majesty the thanks of this House for his most gracious message to this House, signified by His Grace the Lord Lieutenant.
Sida 372 - Come, take.'" [Here he read his motion.] '"That an humble address be presented to his Majesty, most dutifully representing to his royal wisdom that this House is deeply penetrated with the view of impending ruin to the kingdom from the continuation of an unnatural war against the British colonies in America; and most humbly to advise his Majesty to take the most speedy and effectual measures for putting a stop to such fatal hostilities, upon the only just and solid foundation, namely, the removal...
Sida 176 - ... safety. Whether hanging ever did, or can, answer any good purpose, I doubt: but the cruel exhibition of every execution day, is a proof that hanging carries no terror with it. And I am confident that every new sanguinary law operates as an encouragement to commit capital offences ; for it is not the mode, but the certainty of punishment, that creates terror. What men know they must endure, they fear ; what they think they can escape, they despise.
Sida 133 - that having been in this session of parliament expelled this house, he was and is incapable of being elected a member to serve in this present parliament.
Sida 136 - And be it further enacted, that for the support of his majesty's household, and of the honour and dignity of the crown...
Sida 179 - ... of a father, who was all their support; the law deprived the woman of her life, and the children of their remaining parent, exposing them to every danger, insult, and merciless treatment, that destitute and helpless orphans suffer. Take all the circumstances together, I do not believe that a fouler murder was ever committed against law, than the murder of this woman by law.
Sida 373 - Parliament sincerely disposed. Yet still much must be left to treaty. Should you conquer this people, you conquer under the cannon of France ; under a masked battery then ready to open. The moment a treaty with France appears, you must declare war, though you had only five ships of the line in England; but France will defer a treaty as long as possible.

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