The Patent Law Dictionary: United States Domestic Patent Law Terms & International Patent Law TermsTHE PATENT LAW DICTIONARY Part of The Law Dictionary Series The One-Stop Source for Legal Terminology JDs, LLMs & SJDs Attorneys & Paralegals FIND IT Easy to Locate Terms & Cross-Referenced KNOW IT Clear & Easy to Understand USE IT Communicate Effectively & Efficiently Apply Intricate Terminology & Underlying Legal Concepts JDs, LLMs & SJDs need to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently. This Dictionary will afford Law Students and Law Professors with the resource they need to bring clarity to the burgeoning field of IP Law. Practitioners & Paralegals of Intellectual Property law must understand, cross-reference and apply intricate terminology. The IP Dictionary gives the Practitioner & Paralegal the ability to easily locate terms and underlying concepts and apply them to their work product. |
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Common terms and phrases
amended application filed application for patent Article authority on intellectual CAFTA certificates Chapter claimed invention Classification Contracting Design Patent Digital Signature Director disclosure drug Effective date enactment established Eurasian Patent European patent exclusive right Federal executive authority GATT Government Grant of Patent India-ITA India-PA industrial design Industrial Property intellectual property intellectual property rights international application International Preliminary Examination issued Joint Inventor license means model or industrial NAFTA Art Organization paragraph Paris Convention Party Patent and Trademark patent application Patent Cooperation Treaty patent grant patent owner Patent Term patented invention PCT Art Plant Patent Plant Variety Protection prior art priority date procedure provisional application publication regional patents registration Regulations request respect right of priority Russia-PLRF Russian Federation Secret Inventions September 16 specification subject matter territory Trademark Office Union United States Code USPTO Glossary utility model utility patent WEBSITE WIPO