The People Centered Economy: The New Ecosystem for Work

Front Cover
Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, Oct 23, 2018 - Business & Economics - 394 pages
AI is cutting labor costs and workers are struggling to be valuable. The People Centered Economy (PCE) is a 'Copernican Revolution' placing people, not tasks, at the center of the economy. PCE has a handy definition of the economy: people create and exchange value, served by organization. In PCE, innovation makes people value each other more (not less) and the answer to the 'future of work' is simple: people need as much innovation for earning as there is for spending. Today there is almost none there is an untapped multi-trillion dollar market waiting to be built by "the new ecosystem for innovating jobs." The book presents new ideas, models and policies for entering a competitive people-centered economy. Co-authors, leaders from the new ecosystem, present hands-on cases from the business of raising the value of people and helping them earn a good livelihood: V R Ferose, Lorien Pratt, Sudipto Dasgupta, Ganapathy Subramanian, Thorkil Sonne, Jason Palmer, Allen Blue, Patricia Olby Kimondo, Jamie Merisotis, Jacob Hsu, Tess Posner, Monique Jeanne Morrow, Daniel Pianko, Gi Fernando Wendy Guillliesm Derek Ozkal, Jim Clifton, Sven Otto Littorin and Guido Van Nispen.

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