The Poems of William Cowper, المجلد 1Press of C. Whittingham, 1822 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
beams beneath bids blasphemy bless'd bliss blooming groves boast BODHAM breast call'd charms Chiswick courser Cowper dear declension deeds delight design'd divine dream e'en earth Eartham Edmonton eyes fair fancy fear feel fire flowers folly form'd frown Gilpin give glory God's grace hand happy heart Heaven heavenly hope hour John Gilpin labour land learn'd light lust lyre mankind mercy mind Muse Nature never night o'er Olney once Parnassian pass'd peace pharisee pleasure poet poet's praise pride prize proud prove racter Rome sacred scene scorn scorn'd Scripture seem'd shine sight skies smile song SONNET soon sorrow soul sound Stamp'd stand stream sweet taste tears telescopic eye thee theme thine thou hast thought thousand toil tongue trifler true truth Twas Unwin verse virtue waste Whate'er wild WILLIAM COWPER wisdom zeal