The Practical Guide to Real ChristianityTrafford Publishing, 2001 - 252 من الصفحات The Practical Guide to Real Christianity is a long-needed explanation of the mission and role of a Christian in today's world. Using the Holy Spirit's guidance in looking at our troubled planet, this book is at once refreshing and controversial. Critical at times, always positive, but daring to bring together spiritual Christian viewpoints on such diverse issues as abortion, capital punishment and environmental conservation, the 33 chapters attempt to cover virtually all of the subjects which confront modern Christians. Touching on philosophy and theology as diverse as the "New Age" movement, eastern mysticism, Christian mysticism and the occult, this book attempts to portray God as all-knowing and as totally loving, a friend to all who seek the truth but a wrathful avenger to those who cling to the lies of unrighteousness. God here is not confined to churches and rituals, but is present and omnipotent in all sectors of our world and our lives, including our sexuality and relationships, as well as our political and ethical decisions. The aim of the book is to help bring truth to those seeking answers to the age-old questions of the meaning of life and to help them dispose of the fear, guilt and shame which have characterized the two millenia since Christ first explained the New Covenant. The key to the book and to Christian thought is embodied in Luke chapter 6 verses 27 through 42. Love your enemies, turn the other cheek. Love is the focus of this book. It makes new lives. The Practical Guide to Real Christianity is above-all a practical book, as it brings the truth of Christ to those seeking spiritual growth through an understanding of the application of Scriptures to our current world problems. This book is aimed especially at women of the True Church, who for so long have been neglected by orthodox religion. Healing the rift between feminism and Christianity is the major purpose behind The Practical Guide to Real Christianity. |