The Rational Unified Process: An IntroductionThe Rational Unified Process, Third Edition, is a concise introduction to IBM's Web-enabled software engineering process. Rational Unified Process(R), or RUP(R), Lead Architect Philippe Kruchten quickly and clearly describes the concepts, structure, content, and motivation that are central to the RUP. Readers will learn how this approach to software development can be used to produce high-quality software, on schedule and on budget, using the Unified Modeling Language (UML), software automation, and other industry best practices. The RUP unifies the entire software development team and optimizes the productivity of each team member by bringing them the experience of industry leaders and lessons learned from thousands of projects. It provides detailed and practical guidance through all phases of the software development life cycle, but it is not inflexible. The RUP can be tailored to suit a wide variety of projects and organizations. This new edition has been updated to reflect all the changes integrated into the latest version of the Rational Unified Process--RUP 2003. It includes a four-color poster that lists key RUP elements: disciplines, workflows, artifacts, phases, and milestones. RUP 2003 also offers The Rational Unified Process, Third Edition, is a reliable introduction to the Rational Unified Process that will serve project managers and software professionals alike. 0321197704B11072003 |
The Process | 1 |
Software Development Best Practices | 3 |
Symptoms and Root Causes of Software Development Problems | 4 |
Software Best Practices | 5 |
Develop Software Iteratively | 6 |
Manage Requirements | 8 |
Use ComponentBased Architectures | 9 |
Visually Model Software | 11 |
Modeling the Software Development Business | 155 |
Tool Support | 156 |
The Requirements Discipline | 157 |
What Is a Requirement? | 158 |
Types of Requirements | 160 |
Capturing and Managing Requirements | 163 |
Requirements Workflow | 164 |
Roles in Requirements | 166 |
Continuously Verify Software Quality | 13 |
Control Changes to Software | 14 |
The Rational Unified Process | 15 |
Summary | 16 |
The Rational Unified Process | 17 |
The Rational Unified Process as a Product | 18 |
Software Best Practices in the Rational Unified Process | 23 |
Other Key Features of the Rational Unified Process | 29 |
A Brief History of the Rational Unified Process | 32 |
Summary | 33 |
Static Structure Process Description | 35 |
Roles | 36 |
Activities | 38 |
Artifacts | 40 |
Disciplines | 44 |
Workflows | 45 |
Additional Process Elements | 47 |
A Process Framework | 51 |
Dynamic Structure Iterative Development | 53 |
Iterate | 60 |
Phases and Milestones | 62 |
A Shifting Focus across the Cycle | 65 |
Phases Revisited | 66 |
Benefits of an Iterative Approach | 76 |
Summary | 78 |
An ArchitectureCentric Process | 81 |
Architecture | 82 |
A Definition of Architecture | 84 |
Architecture Representation | 85 |
An ArchitectureCentric Process | 90 |
The Purpose of Architecture | 92 |
ComponentBased Development | 93 |
Other Architectural Concepts | 94 |
Summary | 96 |
A UseCaseDriven Process | 97 |
Identifying Use Cases | 103 |
Evolving Use Cases | 104 |
Organizing Use Cases | 105 |
Use Cases in the Process | 107 |
Summary | 109 |
Process Disciplines | 111 |
The Project Management Discipline | 113 |
Planning an Iterative Project | 114 |
The Concept of Risk | 117 |
The Concept of MEasurement | 119 |
Roles and Artifacts | 122 |
Workflow | 123 |
Building an Iteration Plan | 133 |
Summary | 139 |
The Business Modeling | 141 |
Why Business Modeling? | 142 |
Using Software Engineering Techniques for Business Modeling | 143 |
Business Modeling Scenarios | 145 |
Roles and Artifacts | 146 |
Workflow | 148 |
From the Business Models to the Systems | 150 |
Artifacts Used in Requirements | 168 |
Tool Support | 170 |
Summary | 171 |
The Analysis and Design Discipline | 173 |
How Far Must Design Go? | 174 |
Roles and Artifacts | 175 |
Designing a UserCentered Interface | 176 |
The Design Model | 177 |
The Role of Interfaces | 178 |
ComponentBased Design | 179 |
Workflow | 180 |
Tool Support | 184 |
The Implementation Discipline | 187 |
Builds | 188 |
Prototypes | 190 |
Roles and Artifacts | 192 |
Workflow | 193 |
Tool Support | 196 |
The Test Discipline | 197 |
Testing in the Iterative Lifecycle | 199 |
Dimensions of Testing | 201 |
Roles and Artifacts | 204 |
Workflow | 208 |
Tool Support | 212 |
Summary | 213 |
The Configuration and Change Management Discipline | 215 |
The CCM Cube | 216 |
Roles and Artifacts | 221 |
Workflow | 223 |
Tool Support | 226 |
Summary | 227 |
The Environment Discipline | 229 |
Roles and Artifacts | 232 |
Workflow | 233 |
Tool Support | 236 |
The Deployment Discipline | 237 |
Roles and Artifacts | 239 |
Workflow | 242 |
Summary | 245 |
Typical Iteration Plans | 247 |
Defining the Product Vision and the Business Case | 248 |
Building an Architectural Prototype | 250 |
Implementing the System | 255 |
Summary | 258 |
Implementing the Rational Unified Process | 259 |
The Effect of Implementing a Process | 260 |
Implementing the Rational Unified Process | 262 |
Implementing a Process Is a Project | 269 |
Summary | 271 |
Summary of Roles | 273 |
Summary of Artifacts | 277 |
Acronyms | 281 |
Glossary | 283 |
291 | |
299 | |