The Reflector: A Quarterly Magazine, on Subjects of Philosophy, Politics, and the Liberal Arts, 第 2 卷Leigh Hunt John Hunt ... sold by J. Carpenter ... and all booksellers, 1811 - 503 頁 |
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admiration ancient animal appear Aristotle attention authority body called cause Celsus character church circumstances civil common consider Constitution defects Demosthenes doctrine Edipus effect English excellent excited existence external eye of mind favour feeling Garrow genius Gilbert Wakefield give Greek Hippocrates Hogarth honour human instance kind king King's Counsel knowledge lady language laws Lear learned least liberty Lord manner matter means medicine merit mind moral nation nature never object observation opinion particular passion Patent of Precedence perception perhaps persons philosophers pleasure poets political Polynices possess practice present primary qualities Prince principles probable profession Pythagoras racter Rake's Progress ravelin reason remarks rendered respect Samuel Romilly scene secondary qualities sect seems sensations sense Serjeant Shakspeare shew Sophocles spirit superior suppose taste thing Thomas Bodley thought tion true truth whilst word writers
第 135 頁 - Hear, Nature, hear ! dear goddess, hear ! Suspend thy purpose, if thou didst intend To make this creature fruitful ! Into her womb convey sterility ! Dry up in her the organs of increase, And from her derogate body never spring A babe to honour her ! If she must teem...
第 123 頁 - Ye have the account Of my performance : what remains, ye gods ! But up, and enter now into full bliss ?" So having said, a while he stood, expecting Their universal shout, and high applause, To fill his ear ; when, contrary, he hears On all sides, from innumerable tongues, A dismal universal hiss, the sound Of public scorn...
第 284 頁 - O, for my sake do you with Fortune chide, The guilty goddess of my harmful deeds, That did not better for my life provide Than public means which public manners breeds. Thence comes it that my name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdued To what it works in, like the dyer's hand...
第 140 頁 - But man is a noble animal, splendid in ashes, and pompous in the grave, solemnizing nativities and deaths with equal lustre, nor omitting ceremonies of bravery in the infamy of his nature.
第 286 頁 - ... from the ordinary purposes of life, but exerting its powers, as the wind blows where it listeth, at will upon the corruptions and abuses of mankind. What have looks or tones to do with that sublime identification of his age with that of the heavens themselves, when, in his reproaches to them for conniving at the injustice of his children, he reminds them that
第 79 頁 - twixt south and southwest side; On either which he would dispute, Confute, change hands, and still confute. He'd undertake to prove by force Of argument, a man's no horse; He'd prove a buzzard is no fowl, And that a lord may be an owl; A calf an alderman, a goose a justice, And rooks committee-men and trustees.
第 287 頁 - What gesture shall we appropriate to this ? What has the voice or the eye to do with such things ? But the play is beyond all art, as the tamperings with it show ; it is too hard and stony ; it must have love-scenes and a happy ending. It is not enough that Cordelia is a daughter, she must shine as a lover too. Tate has put his hook in the nostrils of this Leviathan, for Garrick and his followers, the showmen of the scene, to draw the mighty beast about more easily.
第 352 頁 - ... their frantic gall On the darling thing whatever, Whence they feel it death to sever, Though it be, as they, perforce, Guiltless of the sad divorce, For I must (nor let it grieve thee Friendliest of plants, that I must) leave thee. For thy sake, TOBACCO, I Would do anything but die, And but seek to extend my days Long enough to sing thy praise. But, as she, who once hath been A king's consort, is a queen Ever after, nor will bate Any tittle of her state...
第 48 頁 - Then shakes his powdered coat, and barks for joy. Heedless of all his pranks, the sturdy churl Moves right toward the mark ; nor stops for aught But now and then with pressure of his thumb T...
第 137 頁 - tis fittest. Cor. How does my royal lord? How fares your majesty? Lear. You do me wrong, to take me out o' the grave. — Thou art a soul in bliss ; but I am bound Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears Do scald like molten lead.