The Saint Louis Medical Reporter, Volume 4P.M. Pinckard, 1869 |
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Common terms and phrases
abscess acid action administered adopted American Medical ammonia applied blood bone bowels calomel canal carbolic acid cause cervical child chill chloroform cholera color Committee condition convulsions corpuscles cure death diarrhea dilated discharge disease doses effect examination experience fees fever fistula fluid forceps frequently gall-bladder give grains head hemorrhage Hospital inflammation injection intussusception iodine labor liver Louis Medical Louisville lungs Medical and Surgical Medical Association Medical Journal Medical Society medicine membrane microscope Missouri Medical College mollites ossium months morphia mother mucous mucous membrane nervous observed occurred operation orchitis organ ounce pain paroxysm patient pepsine physician placenta poison potash practice practitioners present produced profession Professor pulse quinine regard relieved remedy removed rickets says SHUMARD spermatozoa stomach suffering surgeon surgery symptoms tincture tion tissue treatment tumor turpentine ulcers urine uterine uterus vagina vomiting
Popular passages
Page 149 - So live, that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan, that moves To that mysterious realm, where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not like the...
Page 227 - Publication be authorized to publish, for general distribution, one thousand copies of the English and Latin portions of this Nomenclature, under the designation of the Proposed Nomenclature, prefacing the same with such remarks as may be deemed necessary to secure the criticism and cooperation of as large a number of American medical men as practicable. 4. That the committee hereby appointed be directed to draw the attention of the Surgeon General of the army, of the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine...
Page 215 - Mussey it was resolved that each State Medical Society be requested to prepare an Annual Register of all the regular practitioners of medicine in their respective States, giving the names of the colleges in which they may have graduated, and date of diploma or license.
Page 254 - ... a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than three thousand dollars, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Page 227 - Resolved, That a special committee of three be appointed by the President, to present copies of the resolutions adopted before the several State medical societies at as early a period as possible.
Page 217 - Ligatures," was submitted by Dr. PF Eve (Tenn.), and was referred to the Section on Surgery. Dr. JM Bush, of Kentucky, offered the following resolution : — Resolved, That a committee of five members be appointed by the chair, to take into consideration the subjects alluded to in the President's address, ami report at this meeting.
Page 234 - Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; etc., etc.
Page 224 - MD We likewise desire to say that when the details of this general plan are thrown into form, there should be the amplest security against the places and the power of such a medical college as designed ever falling into the hands of politicians or the protoges of politicians.
Page 227 - The following resolutions are therefore submitted : 1. Resolved, That a special committee of fifteen be appointed by the President to take this subject into deliberate consideration, and to report at the next annual session what alterations, if any, are necessary to adapt the proposed nomenclature to general use in the United States. 2. That this committee be authorized to fill up any vacancies which may occur upon it.
Page 231 - Resolved, That the thanks of this Association are justly due and are hereby tendered to the President for the uniform kindness and courtesy with which he has presided over its deliberations, and to the Committee of Arrangements, the physicians and citizens of New Orleans, for the generous hospitality and fraternal kindness with which we have been received and treated during our sojourn in their city...