The Senses of WaldenStanley Cavell, one of America's most distinguished philosophers, has written an invaluable companion volume to Walden, a seminal book in our cultural heritage. This expanded edition includes two essays on Emerson. |
Words | 3 |
On the first perusal plain common sense should appear | 35 |
Portions | 69 |
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accept acknowledge answer awakening bay horse beans beginning believe Bhagavad Gita book's bottom brag Brahma Chanticleer chapter Civil Disobedience Concord condition creation dawn declare despair earth Emerson epic epistemology experiment expression Ezekiel fact faith fate father tongue happens hear heard heaven hence heroic book hoeing human idea Iliad imagination interest Jeremiah keep knowledge labor language literary lives loon lost meaning meditation merely morning moulting mysteries myth nation nature neigh neighbor ode to dejection ourselves Paradise Lost paragraph philosophical poetry pond present prophecy prophets propose to write question readers realize requires rience scripture Senses of Walden sentence society speak stand STANLEY CAVELL thee thing-in-itself things Thoreau's thought tion transcendental transcendental deduction Transcendentalist true ture turn uncon understand unto Vishnu Purana vision Walden Pond woods words writer of Walden written xvIII