The Statutes at Large of South Carolina: Acts relating to roads, bridges and ferries, with an appendix containing the militia acts prior to 1794

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A.S. Johnston, 1841 - Law


1719 391 An Act for building a bridge over the Western branch of Cooper river
1722 462 An Act to confirm and establish two bridges now standing over the head
1726 515 An Act for making a new road between the north and middle branch
An Act for the establishment and regulation of two ferries at the particular
An Act to appoint Commissioners to lay out and mend roads and appoint fer
An Act for appointing commissioners to lay out a road from the road that
An Act to impower the commissioners of the highroads for the parish of
9 654 An Act for vesting the ferry already established on the south side of Santee
1741 678 An Act for vesting the ferry over Ashley river in Elizabeth Bellinger widow
1741 No 682 An Act for discharging the commissioners appointed by an Act of the Gen
1744 706 An Act declaring Dorchester bridge Bacons bridge McColloms bridge
An Act for establishing a ferry over Cooper river from the plantation
An Act for establishing a ferry over Santee river in the parish of St James
An Act for establishing a ferry from the plantatlon of Col Samuel Prioleau
1754 821 An Act for building a draw bridge across Ashley river in the parish of
1755 832 An Act for laying out making and keeping in repair a road from Purys
1756 No ecutors administrators and assigns for the term therein mentioned
1758 870 An Act establishing a road lately laid out from TippicutLaw Oldfield
An Act for establishing a public road to lead from the ferry commonly called
An Act for establishing a ferry over Port Royal river from Beaufort
An Act for altering a private path or road formerly laid out by the board
1769 No 986 An Ordinance appointing commissioners for repairing the bridges over Wap
An Act for repealing an Act entitled An Act for appointing commissioners
1771 1007 An Act for empowering the commissioners of the high roads for the parish
1778 1064 An Act to make and keep in repair a road from Ninety Six Court House
1778 No missioners for clearing the Wateree river and keeping the same
1779 1134 An Ordinance for establishing a ferry over Santee river at the plantation
1783 1164 An Act to regulate the election and appointment of commissioners of

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Page 15 - ... to be recovered by bill, plaint or information, in any court of record within this government; wherein no essoin, protection, injunction, or wager of law, shall be allowed or admitted of.
Page 124 - ... or chief magistrate of his particular information or knowledge of such unlawful meeting or conventicle held or to be held in their respective counties or places, and that he with such assistance as he can get together is not able to suppress and dissolve the same, shall and may...
Page 528 - ... by warrant under the hand and seal of any Justice of the Peace...
Page 172 - ... and in any such action the defendant may plead the general issue, and give this Act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon...
Page 434 - Hubley, or a majority of them, be. and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to...
Page 434 - Society ;" and for the purposes aforesaid, and by the name aforesaid, shall have perpetual succession and a Common Seal, with full power and authority to alter, vary break, and renew the same at their discretion, and by the same name, to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be -answered unto...
Page 330 - That said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority to...
Page 98 - ... give this act, and the special matter in evidence ; and if the plaintiff or prosecutor shall become nonsuit, or...
Page 577 - ... to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all state courts having competent jurisdiction, and in any circuit court of the United States...
Page 172 - Suit after the Defendant or Defendants shall have appeared, or if upon Demurrer Judgment shall be given against the Plaintiff...

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