The Successful High School Writing Center: Building the Best Program with Your StudentsDawn Fels, Jennifer Wells This book highlights the work of talented teachers and tutors who connect theory and practice with the lessons they learned from working with students in their high school writing centers. The authors offer innovative methods for secondary and post-secondary educators interested in adolescent literacy, English Language Learners, new literacies, writing center pedagogy and evaluation, embedded professional development, differentiated instruction, and cross-institutional collaboration. The Successful High School Writing Center demonstrates how writing centers help school communities that serve diverse student populations grapple with the realities that come with literacy education. Depicting real-life writing centers as leaders in literacy education, the accounts presented will enrich the work of teachers, writing center directors, writing center tutors, and student writers in socially significant ways. Book Features:
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The Successful High School Writing Center: Building the Best Program with ... Dawn Fels,Jennifer Wells No preview available - 2011 |