The Theological Lectures of the Late Rev. David Bogue, D.D., Never Before Published. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey, Volume 1Lewis Colby, 1849 - 805 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
Acts ancient angels Answer Apostles appears Arminians baptism blessedness blessings body BOOKS OF REFERENCE Boston's B. D. Buddii Christ's satisfaction christians Church Church of Rome circumcision considered covenant of grace Cradock creatures death depravity Deut dispensation divine divine grace doctrine Eccl eternal evil Exer Ezek faith Father Gill glory God's Gospel guilt happiness heart heathen heaven Holy Ghost honor human nature infant baptism infinite inspiration intercession Jesus Christ Jews John justification kingdom Kings LECTURE Limbock Lord's Supper Luke man's manner Matt means Mediator mercy misery Moses objects Old Testament perfect person Phil prayer prophecy prophets punishment Query reason redemption regard regeneration religion repentance resurrection revelation Ridgly righteousness Sabbath sacraments sacred Scripture saints salvation sanctification Satan sinners sins Socinians soul Spirit sufferings testimony Thess things tion union Wherein wicked Witsius word worship