The Theory and Technique of Electronic MusicThis is the first book to develop both the theory and the practice of synthesizing musical sounds using computers. Each chapter starts with a theoretical description of one technique or problem area and ends with a series of working examples (over 100 in all), covering a wide range of applications. A unifying approach is taken throughout; chapter two, for example, treats both sampling and wavetable synthesis as special cases of one underlying technique. Although the theory is presented quantitatively, the mathematics used goes no further than trigonometry and complex numbers. The examples and supported software ? along with a machine-readable version of the text ? are available on the web and maintained by a large online community.The Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music is valuable both as a textbook and as professional reading for electronic musicians and computer music researchers. |
1 Sinusoids Amplitude and Frequency | 1 |
2 Wavetables and Samplers | 27 |
3 Audio and Control Computations | 59 |
4 Automation and Voice Management | 89 |
5 Modulation | 119 |
6 Designer Spectra | 149 |
7 Time Shifts and Delays | 175 |
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Common terms and phrases
additive synthesis ADSR angular frequency bandwidth block diagram center frequency Chapter clip comb filter complex number complex sinusoid component computer music control stream cos(wn cosine creation argument decibels delay line delay network delread delwrite desired digital audio signals discontinuities example foldover formant Fourier analysis Fourier series Fourier transform frequency response fundamental frequency gain gives graph Hann window harmonics Hertz inlet input signal integer interpolation linear looping low-pass filter magnitude MIDI milliseconds msec mtof multiplying non-recirculating number box Nyquist frequency object one-pole outlet output parameters partials patch peak period phase phasor pitch pole ramp range real-valued recirculating filter result reverberator ring modulation sample rate sampler sawtooth wave Section sequence shift shown in Figure shows signal x[n sound specified spectral envelope spectrum subpatch synthesis tabread4 technique timbre transfer function transposition triangle wave trigger vline voice waveform waveshaping wavetable lookup zero