The Treasure of Troy: Heinrich Schliemann's ExcavationsPushkin Museum, 1996 - 239 pagini |
Museum of Fine Arts | 12 |
Cat Nos 102103 | 102 |
Cat Nos 231238 | 178 |
Drept de autor | |
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
0.02 cm Inventory 3rd millennium BC Alaca Höyük Anatolia Archaeological Museum artifacts Athens basket-shaped earrings Bernabò Brea 1976 bibliography for Cat Bibliography Götze Bibliography Schliemann 1874a Bibliography See Cat Blegen bracelet Branigan chains cm Inventory Aap conical studs contour crescent crescent-shaped item decorated dented diadem diameter of hook disks Dörpfeld dots Easton edge end beaten Eskiyapar excavations g Diameter g Length Heinrich Schliemann hemispherical Hisarlık hook tapers horizontal idol-shaped pendants incisions Istanbul item of jewelry lazurite lobes Gold material See Cat maximum thickness maximum width Maxwell-Hyslop 1971 minute beads Musche Mycenae Özgüç & Temizer perforations plano-convex lens plate Poliochni pommel Priam's Treasure ribs rings Rock crystal Diameter rosettes rounded hook rows of granulation Schmidt Shaft Grave shape silver silver chlorides similar six lobes spiral stained with varnish String of beads surface is stained thickening torc Troad Trojan treasures Troy Type upper vertical vessel weight Бз