The Works of Francis Bacon

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Brown and Taggard, 1861

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Page 227 - This other hath to name William Shakespeare, and they are both of one county, and, indeed, almost of one town ; both are right famous in their qualities, though it longeth not of your lordship's gravity and wisdom to resort unto the places where they are wont to delight the public ear.
Page 78 - Tenison) sent him a specimen, but " of such superfine Latinity, that the Lord Bacon did not encourage him to labour further in that work, in the penning of which he desired not so much neat and polite, as clear masculine and apt expression.
Page 419 - Ita enim et linguae mutuo commercio locupletari possint; et fiet ex iis, quae in singulis linguis pulchra sunt (tanquam Venus Apellis) orationis ipsius quaedam formosissima imago, et exemplar quoddam insigne. ad sensus animi rite exprimendos.
Page 12 - ... the Baconian philosophy, but his keen perception, and his broad and spirit-stirring, almost enthusiastic, announcement of its paramount importance, as the alpha and omega of science, as the grand and only chain for the linking together of physical truths, and the eventual key to every discovery and every application.
Page 133 - Ils sont comme le lierre, qui ne tend point ą monter plus haut que les arbres qui le soutiennent...
Page 17 - ... a great thing but it turned out nothing. If not, I still think it would be worth your while to try it." A. I partly comprehend your meaning ; but I should prefer it in a less dramatic form. You think that the difference between what Galileo did and what Bacon wanted to be done, lay in this — that Bacon's plan presupposed a history (or dictionary as you call it) of Universal Nature, as a storehouse of facts to work upon ; whereas Galileo was content to work upon such facts and observations as...
Page 403 - Dedimus ei uomen ei usu, quia verus ejus usus est plane redargutio, et cautio circa usum verborum. Quinimo partem illam de praedicamentis, si recte instituatur, circa cautiones de non confundendis aut transponendis definitionum et divisionum terminis, praecipuum usum sortiri existimamus, et hucetiam referri malumus.
Page 227 - Revels that we find any notices of the publication or acting of Shakespeare's plays. In the long series of letters from John Chamberlain to Dudley Carleton, scattered over the whole period from 1598 to 1623, — letters full of the news of the month; news of the court, the city, the pulpit, and the bookseller's shop; in which court-masques are described in minute detail, author, actors, plot, performance, reception and all; — we look in vain for the name of Shakespeare or of any one of his plavs.
Page 16 - And since you have done me the honour to think so very highly of my precepts, I am a little surprised that you have not thought it worth while in so very essential a point to follow them. And to say the truth, I could wish for my own reputation (if that were of any consequence) that you had either honoured me a little more in that way, or not honoured me quite so much in other ways. You call me the Father of your Philosophy, meaning it for the greatest compliment you can pay. I thank you for the...
Page 48 - In historia quam requirimus et animo destinamus, ante omnia videndum est ut late pateat et facta sit ad mensuram universi. Ńeque enim arctandus est mundus ad angustias intellectus (quod adhuc factum est), sed expandendus intellectus et laxandus ad mundi imaginem recipiendam, qualis invenitur.

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