The Works of Francis Bacon ...: Philosophical works

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Longmans, 1876 - Philosophy

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Page 419 - Generally the straight line hath the cleanest and roundest sound, and the crooked, the more hoarse and jarring. 222. OF a sinuous pipe that may have some four flexions, trial would be made. Likewise of a pipe made like a cross, open in the midst.
Page 370 - For heat and cold are nature's two hands, whereby she chiefly worketh ; and heat we have in readiness, in respect of the fire ; but for cold we must stay till it cometh, or seek it in deep caves, or high mountains : and when all is done, we cannot obtain it in any great degree : for furnaces of fire are far hotter than a summer's sun ; but vaults or hills are not much colder than a winter's frost.
Page 578 - THE Turks have a pretty art of chambletting of paper, which is not with us in use. They take divers oiled colours, and put them severally, in drops, upon water, and stir the water lightly, and then wet their paper, being of some thickness, with it, and the paper will be waved and veined, like chamblet or marble.
Page 670 - Paris, there grew upon both my hands a number of warts, at the least an hundred, in a month's space. The English ambassador's lady, who was a woman far from superstition, told me one day, she would help me away with my warts : whereupon she got a piece of lard with the skin on, and rubbed the warts all over with fat side ; and amongst the rest, that wart which I had had from my childhood...
Page 671 - Secondly, the same kind of ointment applied to the hurt itself worketh not the effect; but only applied to the weapon. Thirdly, which I like well, they do not observe the confecting of the ointment under any certain constellation ; which commonly is the excuse of magical medicines when they fail, that they were not made under a fit figure of heaven.
Page 645 - ... we have set it down as a law to ourselves, to examine things to the bottom ; and not to receive upon credit, or reject upon improbabilities, until there hath passed a due examination.
Page 664 - The ointment that witches use is reported to be made of the fat of children digged out of their graves; of the juices of smallage, wolf-bane, and cinque-foil, mingled with the meal of fine wheat. But I suppose that the soporiferous medicines are likest to do it; which are henbane, hemlock, mandrake, moonshade, tobacco, opium, saffron, poplar-leaves, &c.
Page 335 - For those Natural Histories which are extant, being gathered for delight and use, are full of pleasant descriptions and pictures, and affect and seek after admiration, rarities, and secrets. But, contrariwise, the scope which his lordship intendeth is, to write such a Natural History as may be fundamental to the erecting and building of a true philosophy, for the illumination of the understanding, the extracting of axioms, and the producing of many noble works and effects.
Page 602 - ... naphtha of Babylon, a great distance off. It is therefore a subject of a very noble enquiry, to enquire of the more subtile perceptions; for it is another key to open nature, as well as the sense; and sometimes better. And besides, it is a principal means of natural divination; for that which in these perceptions appeareth early, in the great effects cometh long after.
Page 602 - IT is certain that all bodies whatsoever, though they have no sense, yet they have perception : for when one body is applied to another, there is a kind of election to embrace that which is agreeable, and to exclude or expel that which is ingrate...

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