The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 57

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Samuel Johnson
C. Bathurst, 1780 - English poetry

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Page v - of places and countries, and in accounts of remarkable events, either in the natural or political •world, and of the ancient cuftoms or antiquities ; in critical obfervations on
Page vi - with dignity ; but the former, that of the vulgar, and generally as vulgarly exprefled, yet equally true with the fententious. Proverbial fayings could not well be difarranged, without fpoiling them, or at
Page v - particulars ; namely, in prudential, moral and religious fentences; in remarkable proverbial fayings, either of a ludicrous or ferious turn ; in characters of celebrated perfons, both ancient and modern ; in
Page vi - when they could conveniently be brought within the compafs of a line, and in the very arrangement of their words, in order to preferve entire the harmony and
Page viii - exclude, from a place in an index, very many important fentences, which are without a fubftantive. Dryden again fays, -write well, or not at all:
Page vii - it may therefore lead the fentence, according to the general rule of index-making; namely, that a
Page viii - not to make a verb the leading word ; or even an adverb, if ufed emphatically ; for
Page vii - but which it neceflarily implies, it is in all languages, both learned and unlearned, taken
Page vii - not to make them the leading words : Dryden, for inftance, to mention no other, fays,
Page 246 - Ichor, blood of gods, Ida, fount-full hill, fair nurfe of fountains and of game,

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