The World's Great Religions: An Anthology of Sacred Texts"Religion is hard to define, not because there is so little of it, but because there is so much," begins this informative anthology. Since religion has existed in some or other form since the dawn of human history and remains deeply embedded in human consciousness, its study forms an integral part of the world's history. This concise volume offers an introduction to the eleven living religions of the world, three of which aspire to universality — Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam — and others that are confined to special peoples or countries — Hinduism, Shintoism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Confucianism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The editors present each religion in simple terms and without bias, geared toward readers new to the subject at hand. Each of the eleven topics features an introductory section that outlines its main doctrines and system; where applicable, an account of the life of the founder is featured. All introductions are followed by a selection of verses and readings from the scriptures. Students and teachers will find the breadth of this vast subject well served by the pithy introductions and illustrative scriptures, as will all others with an interest in religion and social history. |