The Great Train Robbery |
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accused Anderson announced arrested Arthur Arthur Field asked assize court August Aylesbury bags bandits Bank banknotes Bassett Biggs Boal Bournemouth Brian Field British Bruce Reynolds Buckinghamshire Buster Edwards charges Cheddington Christine coaches conspiracy convicted counsel court crime criminal detectives Douglas Gordon Goody driver East Molesey Edmund Davies Edwards engine evidence farmhouse gang garage Glasgow Goody's Gosling guilty to receiving hideout Jack Mills James Hussey John Denby Wheater John Speed John Wheater judge jury knew Landrover Leatherslade Farm Leonard Field London Airport look loot lorry mail train mailbags newspaper night notes P.A. REUTER paint palm print pleaded not guilty police Post Office prison raid raiders railway realised reported Reynolds robber and conspirator Robert Welch Ronnie Scotland Yard Sears Crossing sentences sorters stolen money story telephone Thomas Daly told train robbery travelling Post Offices trial underworld Verrier wanted Whitby wife Wisbey