The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by S. Johnson, Τόμος 631790 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
afcending amid Amyntor Aurelius beauty behold beneath beſt bleſt bliſs boſom boundleſs breaſt cauſe charms cloſe cloud courſe deſpair diſtant divine earth eternal facred fair fame fate fecret fighs filence firſt fix'd flame fome fong fons forrow foul freſh grace hand heart heaven honour hour inſpires juſt laſt leſs light meaſure mind morn moſt mournful Muſe muſt nature Nature's night o'er paffion paſſions pauſe pleaſing pleaſure praiſe preſent rais'd reaſon repoſe rife riſe roſe round ſacred ſay ſcene ſcorn ſea ſee ſeen ſenſe ſevere ſhade ſhall ſhapes ſhe ſhine ſhore ſhould ſkies ſky ſmiles ſoft ſome ſpace ſpeak ſphere ſpirit ſpoke ſpread ſpring ſtand ſtars ſtate ſteep ſteps ſtill ſtorm ſtrain ſtream ſtrong ſuch ſweet ſwell taſte tears thee theſe thine thoſe thou thought toil truth univerſal vale vaſt verſe virtue waſte whoſe wing wonder youth
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 229 - When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and shook his crimson steel, And bade the father of his country hail ? For lo ! the tyrant prostrate on the dust, And Rome again is free...
Σελίδα 282 - The powers of man; we feel within ourselves His energy divine; he tells the heart, He meant, he made us to behold and love What he beholds and loves, the general orb Of life and being; to be great like him, Beneficent and active.
Σελίδα 327 - ... wherefore, with a rash impetuous aim, Seek ye those flowery joys with which the hand Of lavish Fancy paints each flattering scene Where Beauty seems to dwell, nor once inquire Where is the sanction of eternal truth, Or where the seal of undeceitful good, To save your search from folly ! Wanting these, Lo ! Beauty withers in your void embrace, And with the glittering of an idiot's toy Did Fancy mock your vows.
Σελίδα 221 - Suspends the infant audience with her tales, Breathing astonishment! of witching rhymes, And evil spirits; of the death-bed call Of him who robb'd the widow, and devour'd...
Σελίδα 218 - Alpine heights, his labouring eye Shoots round the wide horizon, to survey Nilus or Ganges rolling his bright wave Through mountains, plains, through empires black with shade, And continents of sand, will turn his gaze To mark the windings of a scanty rill That murmurs at his feet?
Σελίδα 225 - Illumes the headstrong impulse of desire, And sanctifies his choice. The generous glebe Whose bosom smiles with verdure, the clear tract...
Σελίδα 215 - The active powers of man ! with wise intent The hand of Nature on peculiar minds Imprints a different bias, and to each Decrees its province in the common toil.
Σελίδα 216 - Enamour'd ; they partake the eternal joy. For as old Memnon's image long renown'd By fabling Nilus, to the quivering touch Of Titan's ray, with each repulsive string Consenting, sounded through the warbling air. Unbidden strains ; even so did nature's hand...
Σελίδα 30 - But tofles thro' the midnight made, Of death, of life, alike afraid ; For ever fled to fhady cell, Where Temperance, where the Mufes dwell ; Thou oft art feen, at early dawn, Slow-pacing o'er the breezy lawn : Or on the brow...
Σελίδα 29 - The ftorm of fate, the cloud of years, Till Nature with thy parting light, Repofes late in Death's calm night : Fled from the trophy'd roofs of ftate, Abodes of fplendid pain, and hate ; Fled from the couch, where, in fweet fleep, Hot Riot would his anguifh fteep. But tofles thro...