Thermal Management of Gallium Nitride Electronics

Front Cover
Marko Tadjer, Travis Anderson
Woodhead Publishing, Jul 13, 2022 - Technology & Engineering - 560 pages
Thermal Management of Gallium Nitride Electronics outlines the technical approaches undertaken by leaders in the community, the challenges they have faced, and the resulting advances in the field. This book serves as a one-stop reference for compound semiconductor device researchers tasked with solving this engineering challenge for future material systems based on ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors. A number of perspectives are included, such as the growth methods of nanocrystalline diamond, the materials integration of polycrystalline diamond through wafer bonding, and the new physics of thermal transport across heterogeneous interfaces. Over the past 10 years, the book's authors have performed pioneering experiments in the integration of nanocrystalline diamond capping layers into the fabrication process of compound semiconductor devices. Significant research efforts of integrating diamond and GaN have been reported by a number of groups since then, thus resulting in active thermal management options that do not necessarily lead to performance derating to avoid self-heating during radio frequency or power switching operation of these devices. Self-heating refers to the increased channel temperature caused by increased energy transfer from electrons to the lattice at high power. This book chronicles those breakthroughs. - Includes the fundamentals of thermal management of wide-bandgap semiconductors, with historical context, a review of common heating issues, thermal transport physics, and characterization methods - Reviews the latest strategies to overcome heating issues through materials modeling, growth and device design strategies - Touches on emerging, real-world applications for thermal management strategies in power electronics


Heating issues in widebandgap semiconductor devices
First principles thermal transport modeling in GaN and related materials
Heat transport in polycrystalline diamond from the meso to the nano scale
Fundamental understanding of thermal transport across solid interfaces
Upper limits to thermal conductance across gallium nitride interfaces Predictions and measurements
AlGaNGaN HEMT device physics and electrothermal modeling
Modeling of thermal phenomena in GaN devices
Devicelevel modeling and simulation of AlGaNGaN HEMTs
Fundamentals of CTEmatched QST substrate technology
Reducedstress nanocrystalline diamond films for heat spreading in electronic devices
GaNondiamond materials and device technology A review
Threedimensional integration of diamond and GaN
Roomtemperature bonded thermally conductive semiconductor interfaces
Direct lowtemperature bonding of AlGaNGaN thin film devices onto diamond substrates
Microfluidic cooling for GaN electronic devices
Thermal effects in Ga2O3 rectifiers and MOSFETs borrowing from GaN

Gate resistance thermometry An electrical thermal characterization technique
Thermal characteristics of superlattice castellated FETs
The transient thermoreflectance approach for highresolution temperature mapping of GaN devices
Back Cover

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About the author (2022)

Dr. Marko J. Tadjer is a civilian staff scientist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2010, a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Duke University in 2004, and undergraduate degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Arkansas in 2002. His research in power devices focuses on the integration of materials with attractive properties such as diamond with more mature GaN and SiC technology, as well as exploring novel oxides such as Ga2O3 for power electronics applications.

Travis J. Anderson is a civilian staff scientist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. He received a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Florida in 2008, and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004.

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