Top 100 Exotic Food PlantsMany edible plants considered exotic in the Western world are actually quite mainstream in other cultures. While some of these plants are only encountered in ethnic food markets or during travels to foreign lands, many are now finding their way onto supermarket shelves. Top 100 Exotic Food Plants provides comprehensive coverage of tropical and semi |
xxix | |
xxxiii | |
xxxv | |
xxxvii | |
Common Name Guide to Exotic Food Plants Discussed in Detail | xxxix |
Scientific Name Guide to Exotic Food Plants Discussed in Detail | xlv |
Cautions | xlix |
Introduction | 1 |
Citron | 169 |
Clove | 173 |
Coca | 179 |
Coco de Mer Double Coconut | 185 |
Culantro | 191 |
Cumin and Black Cumin | 195 |
Cycads | 203 |
Durian | 211 |
Statistical Summary and Format of Presentation for the 100 Exotic Food Plants | 19 |
Acai Berry | 31 |
Acerola Barbados Cherry | 37 |
Akee | 41 |
Allspice Pimento | 47 |
Arrowroot | 51 |
Asafetida | 55 |
Bamboo | 61 |
Baobab | 67 |
Bay | 75 |
Betelnut | 81 |
Breadfruit | 87 |
Cacti | 93 |
Candlenut | 107 |
Cape Gooseberries and Tomatillo Physalis Species | 111 |
Caper | 121 |
Carambola Star Fruit | 127 |
Carob | 131 |
Cashew | 137 |
Cassabanana | 143 |
Ceriman | 147 |
Chayote | 151 |
Cherimoya and Atemoya | 157 |
Chinese Artichoke | 163 |
Epazote | 217 |
Feijoa | 221 |
Fenugreek | 225 |
Galangal | 229 |
Ginger | 235 |
Ginkgo | 241 |
Goji | 249 |
Grass Pea | 255 |
Guarana | 261 |
Guava | 265 |
Gum Arabic | 269 |
Hemp Hempseed | 277 |
Horseradish Tree | 283 |
Jackfruit | 289 |
Japanese Vegetables | 293 |
Jicama | 311 |
Jujube | 317 |
Kava | 321 |
Khat | 327 |
Kiwi | 333 |
Kumquat | 339 |
Lemongrass | 343 |
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Common terms and phrases
Africa Agric Agriculture allspice apple arrowroot Australia bean betel beverages breadfruit cactus carob cashew chayote chemical cherimoya China Chinese cloves coca consumed cooking crops CULINARY PORTRAIT CULINARY VOCABULARY cultivated cumin CURIOSITIES OF SCIENCE cycads dishes durian eaten Econ edible Edited epazote essential oil exotic flavor flowers food plants fresh fruit galangal genus name ginger Ginkgo grown guarana guava gum arabic herb Hortic India Janick Japanese juice kava KEY INFORMATION SOURCES khat Kiwifruit Latin leaves longan loquat lychee macadamia marketed medicinal melon NAMES Family native neem Netherlands North America nutmeg nuts okra palm Perilla persimmon PLANT PORTRAIT Plant resources poppy produce pulp recipes resources of South-East rooibos root saffron sago sapote sauces SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY scientific name sea buckthorn seeds Solanum sometimes soursop South South-East Asia SPECIALTY COOKBOOKS species spice spinach Stevia sweet taste tobacco tomatillo tree tropical and subtropical vegetable wasabi water chestnut Zealand