U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, Issue 1390U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987 |
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acceleration accelerometer accuracy aerial profiling AERIAL SURVEY air loop airborne angular APT sys APT system axes azimuth CALIBRATE AND ALINE commands components Compute IMU CONTROL POINT DeHavilland Twin Otter device Draper Laboratory Earth electrical electronics elevation error field flight mission flight path foregoing function ground-control points gyro Hanscom Field Harry Diamond horizontal IMU and tracker incl inertial measurement unit inertial navigator input axis instrument system intervals Kalman filter keyboard laser beam laser profiler laser tracker latitude magnetic tape mode Model motion mounted newton meter optics orientation orthogonal output performance plasma display position coordinates precession precision printer processor profiling of terrain pulse retroreflector target rotation rotor schematic sequence signal SIXTY SECOND specific force spin axis stable platform subsystems temperature terrain profiles terrain system thermal tion torque motors tracker gimbal angles tracking U.S. Geological Survey update velocity vertical