Votes and Proceedings

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Some vols. previous to 1830 have appendices consisting of reports of various State offices.

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Page 237 - ... not paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, offered or promised to contribute to another, to be paid or used, any money or other valuable thing as a compensation or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at such election...
Page 160 - From and after the last day of Dec-ember, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, the Appellate Division shall have the jurisdiction now exercised by the Supreme Court at its General Terms and by the General Terms of the Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of New York, the Superior Court of the city of New York, the Superior Court of Buffalo and the city of Brooklyn, and such additional jurisdiction as may be conferred by the Legislature.
Page 797 - Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the foregoing amendment be referred to the. legislature to be chosen at the next general election of senators, and, in conformity with section one of article fourteen of the constitution, be published for three months previous to the time of such election, '
Page 858 - An act to extend the operation and effect of the act passed February 17, 1848, entitled 'An act to authorize the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical or chemical purposes...
Page 237 - No person who shall receive, expect or offer to receive, or pay, offer or promise to pay, contribute, offer or promise to contribute to another, to be paid or used, any money or other valuable thing, as a compensation or reward for the giving or withholding...
Page 251 - When a bill or resolution which shall have passed in one house shall be rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the house in which the same may have passed.
Page 251 - uch conference, and they shall present the report of the committee to their House. When such House shall have acted thereon, they shall transmit the same, and the papers relating thereto, to the other, with a message certifying its action thereon.
Page 252 - RULE 11. Whenever there shall be an election of officers by the joint action of the two houses, the result shall be certified by the president of the senate and speaker of the assembly, and shall be reported by the presiding officer of each house to their respective houses, and be entered on the journals of each, and shall be communicated to the governor by the clerks of the two houses.
Page 251 - ... meet in the conference chamber and state to each other, verbally, or in writing, as either shall choose, the reasons of their respective Houses for and against the amendment, and confer freely thereon.
Page 443 - ... and the court may also direct publication of such notice, either preceding or succeeding the making of such final order, as it shall deem proper; any person who shall thereafter claim any rights under the certificate so lost or destroyed, shall have recourse to said indemnity, and the corporation shall be discharged from all liability to such person by reason of compliance with the order...

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