Water Can Undermine Your Health

Front Cover
Norwalk Press, 2008 - Health & Fitness - 102 pages
Our bodies need from two to four quarts of water each day to maintain good health. This book will show you how to protect yourself and your family from deadly bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and other pollutants that are present in a large percentage of public water supplies.. Dr. Walker's treatment of water pollution is revealing, comprehensive, and scientific. His findings and his recommendations for corrective action offer new hope.

About the author (2008)

Dr. Norman W. Walker is acknowledged as one of the world's leading naturalists of the early 20th century. A raw food and vegan pioneer, Walker was an early advocate of the therapeutic value of fresh vegetable juices and operated one of the first juice bars in Long Beach, California in the 1920's and '30's. He devoted over 70 years to researching man's ability to live a longer, healthier life and was his own example of achieving vibrant health through proper thought, diet and body care. In later life he had a health spa in Sedona, Arizona and wrote extensively on nutrition and healthy living.

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