Werner's Readings and Recitations, 第 11 期E.S. Werner, 1893 |
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Aino Alfred Tennyson ALIGHIERI DANTE ancient Wainamoinen Annie answer Arcite Argives arms Atrides Baradas battle beat breath bride courser Creon cried cuirassiers daughter dear death Don Quixote Doña Urraca earth ELIZ Enoch eyes fair father flame forest forge friends frogs Gaveston give GREG ground hand hast hath head heard heart Heaven hither honor horse HOSTESS ILMA Ilmarinen Kalevala King knight lady live look lord Louhi love-knots magic Maid of Beauty maiden Mary Kyle Dallas Menelaus mighty minstrel Molière Mortimer mother never Northland Nourmahal o'er Palamon Pohyola Priam QUEEN RICH Sancho shalt shee shining ship of magic sighs silver sing Sir Siegfried sire sister slain sorrow spake spear sweet sword tell Thebes thee Theseus thine thou art thyself tree Trojans Twas Ukko unto Urraca vessel Vronsky WAIN Wainamoinen warrior wife wild words Youkahainen youth Zamora