When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of SpeciesUniv of California Press, 6 ביוני 2023 - 289 עמודים A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more. This book investigates rabbinic treatises relating to animals, humans, and other life-forms. Through an original analysis of creaturely generation and species classification by late ancient Palestinian rabbis and other thinkers in the Roman Empire, Rafael Rachel Neis shows how rabbis blurred the lines between humans and other beings, even as they were intent on classifying creatures and tracing the contours of what it means to be human. Recognizing that life proliferates by mechanisms beyond sexual copulation between two heterosexual “male” and “female” individuals of the same species, the rabbis proposed intricate alternatives. In parsing a variety of creatures, they considered overlaps and resemblances across seemingly distinct species, upsetting in turn unmitigated claims of human distinctiveness. When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven enters conversations in animal studies, queer theory, trans theory, and feminist science studies to provincialize sacrosanct ideals of reproduction in favor of a broader range that spans generation, kinship, and species. The book thereby offers powerful historical alternatives to the paradigms associated with so-called traditional ideas. |
Rafael Rachel Neis Birds Born of Humans 2020 | 23 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Becoming Flora Becoming Fauna 2018 | 35 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Canine Metathesis 2018 | 48 |
Rafael Rachel Neis She Unnames Them 2022 | 55 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Birds Birds Birds 2020 | 73 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Quackborg 2015 | 83 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Untitled or Modest Proposal for Worldmaking 2019 | 109 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Transformations 2022 | 116 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Lilith 2022 | 179 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Those Rabbis 2022 | 193 |
Epilogue | 195 |
Rafael Rachel Neis Perseverations 2010 | 199 |
193 | 222 |
199 | 259 |
Bibliography | 261 |
297 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
adam adne ha-sadeh Amoraim androginus Animacies Aramaic argues Aristotle Babylonian Talmud Bavli behemah Bekhorot biblical binary bird body Cambridge century chapter cisgender classification classificatory context creation creatures Culture demons distinction divine domesticated animal donkey E. J. Brill earth edited entities female firstborn forbidden gender Genesis GenRab Greek Haraway hayah Hebrew History hybrid impure incantation Jewish Jews Judaism ke-min kilayim kind knowledge late ancient Late Antiquity Leviticus 11 Lilith male matrilineal menagerie midrash Mishnah mule multiple nature Neis Niddah nonhuman offspring Oxford Palestine Palestinian parashah pereq 1 Weiss Physiologus Pliny Priestly prohibition pure queer Rabbi Akiva Rabbinic Literature reading reproduction resemblance Resh Resh Laqish ritual Roman sages Sasanian scholars Science scripture seed sexgender sexual Sifra Sifra Sheratsim parashah Sifre siren sources species Studies tannaim texts tion Torah Tosefta Tractate trans translated University Press variation wild animal woman women Yohanan Zoroastrian