Who's who in ShakespeareW. Morrow, 1973 - 287 pàgines |
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accused Achilles Agincourt Angelo Antipholus Antony appears army arrested banished Bassanio battle Bolingbroke brother Brutus Caes Caesar captured Cassius Castle Cesario character Claudio Cleopatra Coriolanus Cressida Cymbeline daughter death defeated Desdemona disguised Duchess of Gloucester Duke of York Earl Edmund Edward Edward IV England Ephesus Falstaff father fight France Gloucester H.VI H.VIII Hamlet hath hears Henry Henry IV Henry VI Henry's Hero Holinshed Hotspur husband Iago II.i II.ii II.iv Imogen Iv.i Iv.iv John joins Juliet Katharine killed King King Lear Lady later Lear Leontes Lord Lucius Macbeth Malvolio Margaret marriage marry Mistress murder noble Octavius Olivia Othello Perdita Pericles persuades Petruchio Plantagenet play Polixenes Posthumus Prince prisoner Prospero Proteus Queen R.II R.III refuses Richard Richard III Richard Plantagenet Roman Rome Romeo Rosalind says sent servant Shakespeare Shylock Suffolk Tamora tells Theatre Thomas thou throne Timon Titus Troilus v.ii v.iii v.iv Valentine Warwick wife wooing