Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real LessonsA powerful call-to-action for gender equity that offers 10 key lessons for women aspiring to a leadership role—be it in politics, business, law, or their local community. Featuring words of wisdom from female leaders like Hillary Clinton and Theresa May, this empowering study reads like a You Are a Badass volume on world leadership. Women make up fewer than 10% of national leaders worldwide. Behind this eye-opening statistic lies a pattern of unequal access to power. Through conversations with some of the world’s most powerful and interesting women—including Jacinda Ardern, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christine Lagarde, Michelle Bachelet, and Theresa May—Women and Leadership explores gender bias and asks why there aren’t more women in leadership roles. Speaking honestly and freely, these women talk about having their ideas stolen by male colleagues, what it’s like to be called fat or a slut in the media, and what things they wish they had done differently. The stories they tell reveal vividly how gender and sexism affect perceptions of women as leaders. Using current research as a starting point, Julia Gillard and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala—both political leaders in their own countries—analyze the lived experiences of these women leaders. The result is a rare insight into life as a leader and a powerful call to arms for women everywhere. |
Prologue Why are we writing this book? | 1 |
Doing the numbers | 19 |
Our framework | 27 |
Introducing our women | 40 |
You go girl | 107 |
Its all about the hair | 128 |
Shrill or soft the style | 153 |
Shes a bit of a bitch | 174 |
A special place in hell | 211 |
Modernday Salem | 234 |
The rolemodelling riddle | 254 |
The standout lessons from eight lives | 274 |
Annex Snapshots of the pathways to power | 303 |
Notes | 309 |
Acknowledgements | 321 |
Whos minding the kids? | 191 |
Other editions - View all
Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons Julia Gillard,Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Limited preview - 2021 |
Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons Julia Gillard,Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Limited preview - 2021 |
Common terms and phrases
Africa appointed asked Australian Barack Obama became become behaviour bitch Boris Johnson boys Brexit campaign candidate career cent Christine Christine Lagarde Conservative Party describes Dilma discussed election Ellen Ellen Johnson Sirleaf environment Erna Erna Solberg experience face father feel felt female leaders Finance Minister gender equality gender stereotypes girls global happened Hillary hypothesis impeachment issues Joyce Banda Julia Julia Gillard Liberia likeable lives look Lula Malawi manage meeting member of parliament mentor Michelle Michelle Bachelet mother Mutharika nation never Ngozi number of women organisation pathway to power person political party politicians position president prime minister result role models says seen sense sexism social media story style talk Theresa things thought tion vote wearing woman women leaders women's leadership words World Bank Zealand