Zoologist: A Monthly Journal of Natural History, Volume 23

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West, Newman, 1865 - English periodicals

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Page 9541 - Guineas each, to be awarded to the Authors of Essays or Memoirs, of sufficient merit, and drawn up from personal observation, on the anatomy, economy, or habits of any insect or group of insects which is in any way especially serviceable or obnoxious to mankind.
Page 9448 - There is a Power whose care Teaches thy way along that pathless coast, The desert and illimitable air, Lone wandering, but not lost.
Page 9485 - Seen against a dark hillside or a lowering sky, a flock of these birds presents an exceedingly beautiful appearance, and it may then be seen how aptly the term " snowflake " has been applied to the species.
Page 9395 - ... the regular cultivation. They are generally exorbitantly fat, but the flesh is not particularly good, and it has often an unpleasant flavour when the bird is killed at a high elevation, probably owing to some of the plants it there feeds upon. Though I have spent many summers on the snowy ranges, I never found the nest or eggs, but in Thibet I often met with broods of young ones newly hatched. There were, however, several old birds, and probably more than one brood of chicks, so I could form...
Page 9391 - ... calling or running far on the ground ; but when on the open glades or grassy slopes near its borders, or any place to which they come only to feed, if not hard pressed, they will run or walk slowly away in preference to getting up ; and a distant bird, when alarmed by the rising of others, will sometimes begin and continue calling for some time while on the ground. It gets up with a loud fluttering- and a rapid succession of shrill screeching whistles, often continued till it alights, when it...
Page 9542 - Urticse, both captured in Norfolk or Suffolk ; each was remarkable from having the wings, particularly the hind wings, conspicuously blotched or suffused with dark patches. Mr. TW Wood (who was present as a visitor) exhibited a variety of the male of Apatura Iris, captured in Kent; it was remarkable for the absence of the usual white markings on both the upper and under sides of the wings.
Page 9389 - Moonall is found on almost every hill of any elevation from the first great ridge above the plains to the limits of forest, and in the interior is the most numerous of our game birds, When the hills near Mussooree were first visited by Europeans they were common even then, and a few may still be found on the same ridge eastwards from Landour.
Page 9395 - The jer moonall is not remarkably wild or shy. When approached from below, on a person getting within eighty or a hundred yards, they move slowly up hill or slanting across, often turning to look back, and do not go very far unless followed. If approached from above, they fly off at once without walking many yards from the spot. They seldom in any situation walk far down hill, and never run except for a few yards when about to take wing. The whole flock get up together ; the flight is rapid, downwards...
Page 9788 - Parrakeet (Mclupsittacus undulatus), which prior to 1838 was so rare in the southern parts of Australia that only a single example had been sent to Europe, arrived in that year in such countless multitudes on the Liverpool Plains, that I could have procured any number of specimens, and more than once their delicate bodies formed an excellent article of food for myself and party.
Page 9818 - There are ten specimens in all, eight of which are reverses of one another, thus reducing the number to six individuals; of these, one, a mere fragment, belongs, I think, to the same species as another of which the more important parts of the wing are preserved, so that we have five species represented among these Devonian insects, and these remains are all, I suspect, composed of portions of the anterior wing alone. The data being thus fragmentary, the conclusions cannot be quite so satisfactorily...

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