Heaven's Door

Front Cover
Crowbarland Books, Jun 1, 2021 - Fiction

Maya San Lucas had been lost in her dreamworld for the better part of five years. Desparia was just a fantasy world for her to explore during stretches of boredom at school and at home. Going to that world let her have adventures, exploring secret locations, and searching through towns and cities for loot to come away with. The life of a thief was so much more exciting than high school, especially with no friends to speak of.

After escaping the hell of Hell, Maya and her friends had returned to the depths of the emperor's stronghold. Some were emboldened by what they had seen, more determined than ever to see the emperor deposed. But Maya had brought her own demons with her on her return to Desparia. As her demons stalked her, Maya's newfound magic grows stronger, making her more dependent than ever on her friends by her side. And with more doors behind them than in front of them, the group pushed on to their destination, even as they experience some of their worse losses yet.

Jared didn't understand what was happening to him. He was too young to know the power seated deep within him, destroying whole towns around him. But when he meets Celestia and her fae people, he learns that he is a mage, and starts to come to terms with what that meant. As he sets out on his journey to rid the world of evil, he starts seeing his own magic as part of the problem. One that he was determined to rid the world of. The only problem was, how to do that without hunting down and killing every mage that ever lived.


Selected pages


Chapter One Catching Our Breaths
Chapter Three Inner and Outer Demons
Chapter Five Taking Time Off from the Quest
Chapter Seven The Long Wait
Chapter Nine The Ambulance Arrived
Chapter Eleven Not Another Effing Maze
Chapter Thirteen The Eighth Door
Chapter Fourteen The Village of the Lost and Found
Chapter Nineteen The Sisters
Chapter Twenty The Falling
Chapter TwentyTwo The Brute Squad
Chapter TwentyThree Long Walk on a Dark Night
Chapter TwentyFive The Battle for Heaven
Chapter TwentySix Celestias Return
Chapter TwentySeven The Cavalry Arrives
Chapter TwentyEight The Portrait of a Family

Chapter Fifteen Mirror Image Indeed
Chapter Sixteen Picking Through the Rubble
Chapter Seventeen In Prison In Heaven
Chapter Thirty Two Glorious Arrivals and a Lovers Betrayal
Epilogue The Hunt is

Common terms and phrases

About the author (2021)

Cassandra Morphy is a Business Data Analyst, working with numbers by day, but words by night. She grew up escaping the world, into the other realities of books, TV shows, and movies, and now she writes about those same worlds. Her only hope in life is to reach one person with her work, the way so many others had reached her. As a TV addict and avid movie goer, her entire life is just one big research project, focused on generating innovative ideas for worlds that don’t exist anywhere other than in her sick, twisted mind.