Bosnian: The Qur’an and Normative Religious Pluralism: A Thematic Study of the Qur’anIn a multi-faith world, Islam is widely regarded as dogmatic and exclusivist. Yet in the Qur’an we have a great and worthy example of how to live in diversity, of powerful scriptural tenets that lend themselves precisely to engagement with those of other faiths. As such Islam has much to add to the debate on Religious Pluralism. For Muslims the issue is a delicate one. Aside from being tolerant and respectful of other faiths, advocating freedom of faith, and peaceful coexistence for all humanity, Muslims have to intellectually engage on matters of religious truth whilst defending the validity of their own Islamic tenets. This study is focused on the Qur’anic text. It explores the Qur’anic conception of normative religious pluralism with a view to providing answers to questions such as whether the Qur’an itself regards normative religious pluralism as a value system or simply a method through which the Qur’anic world view can be actualized. In doing so the author corrects some highly controversial misquoted, mistranslated, and/or quoted out of context verses of the Qur’an, including the so-called verse of the sword and the perception of not taking non-Muslims as friends. In reality, the Qur’an calls for freedom of faith and peaceful coexistence, but condemns oppression, religious persecution, and those who initiate hostilities. In this way it not only invokes human dignity, but restores it when it is violated. |
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ajet ajeta ajeti ajetu Allah Amman analiza Arapi Boga Božije čini čovjeka ćemo Dakle Damask derogaciji derogiran dostojanstvo druge drugi drugima Ekumenizam el-Bakare el-Buhari el-fikr el-Keššaf el-Kur’an Bejrut el-kutub el-‘ilmijje et-tahrir ve et-tenvir et-tenvir Tunis et-tenzil Bejrut evlija ez-Zamahšeri Fahruddin er-Razi faraon hadis hadisa Hanafi Hidžra Ibid Ibn Džerir et-Taberi ibn Ebi ibn Faris Ibn Hadžer el-‘Askalani islam između jasno Kairo kaže kršćani Kur'an kur’anske egzegeze kur’anski kur’anskog Kur’anu London ljude ljudi ljudskog dostojanstva Mahmud Maison Souhnoun Medini Međutim Mefatih el-gajb Bejrut mnogobošce mnogobošcima mnogobožaca morfološka Muhammed ibn Ašur Muslim muslimana muslimanima način Naprimjer naredbe o borbi normativnog religijskog pluralizma objave odnosi oprosta Oxford posebnosti postoji prenosi prenosilaca prev protiv različite razlog raznovrsnosti rekao religija religijski pluralizam Rijad riječi Sahih slobode slobodu vjerovanja slučaju sljedbenika Knjige smislu Staviše sura sure također Tefsir et-Taberi Bejrut Tefsir et-tahrir tiče tvrdi tvrdnja Ustvari vezi zajedničke značenje znači