Soil Survey of Marion County, Indiana |
Common terms and phrases
Available water capacity Br CrA CrA Br CrA MmB2 Br MmB2 Brookston Capability unit CrA Br CrA CrA CrA MmB2 CrA CsB2 CrA MmB2 CrA CrA MmB2 MmB2 Creek crops CsB2 CrA CsB2 MmB2 dark brown dark grayish brown depth drainageways drained soils Eastern white pine eroded erosion FEET floods FoB2 friable frost action FxC2 Genesee gravelly sand grayish brown 10YR horizon inches is mottled inches thick Joins sheet loamy low strength mapping unit Marion County Martinsville Miami soils MmB2 Br CrA MmB2 CrA MmB2 MmB2 CsB2 MmB2 MmB2 CrA MmB2 MmB2 MmB2 MmC2 moderate medium MxE2 nearly level nonfarm OcB2 Ockley organic-matter content percent slopes Poor poorly drained Runoff seepage shrink-swell silt loam silty clay loam Slight Slight small areas solum subangular blocky structure surface layer textured Uc Uc UmB UmB underlying material wetness yellowish brown 10YR