Science Under Control: The French Academy of Sciences 1795-1914The greatest ambition of any moderately successful nineteenth-century French scientist was to become a member of the Academy of Sciences. Science Under Control is the first major study in any language of this elite institution, in a period that began with such influential figures as Laplace and Cuvier and extended to the time of Louis Pasteur and Henri Poincare. The book attempts to remove the veil of mystery and misunderstanding that has shrouded this key institution and its procedures. The French government exercised political, financial, and bureaucratic control over the Academy, and the Academy in turn sat in judgment over all serious scientific production. Only with its approval could the work of French scientists win acceptance and advance their careers. The book examines the politics of science in a historical context drawing on a wealth of original historical sources. The author argues that the Academy was of importance not only nationally but also internationally, by its influence and by the establishment of certain procedures now considered basic to the organization of modern science. The book therefore provides a case study of carefully regulated scientific production encouraged yet constrained within a system of reports, prizes, and elections. This book will prove to be an invaluable source of information and of discussion on the history, politics, and religion of this intense period in European science. |
V | 11 |
VII | 14 |
VIII | 16 |
IX | 18 |
X | 23 |
XI | 25 |
XII | 27 |
XIII | 33 |
LXXII | 236 |
LXXIII | 242 |
LXXV | 245 |
LXXVI | 248 |
LXXVII | 249 |
LXXVIII | 254 |
LXXIX | 258 |
LXXX | 261 |
XIV | 39 |
XV | 44 |
XVI | 50 |
XVIII | 54 |
XIX | 58 |
XX | 62 |
XXI | 68 |
XXII | 72 |
XXIII | 76 |
XXIV | 79 |
XXV | 82 |
XXVI | 84 |
XXVII | 87 |
XXVIII | 91 |
XXIX | 94 |
XXX | 98 |
XXXI | 102 |
XXXII | 105 |
XXXIII | 107 |
XXXIV | 112 |
XXXV | 119 |
XXXVI | 124 |
XXXVIII | 129 |
XXXIX | 132 |
XL | 133 |
XLI | 139 |
XLII | 142 |
XLIII | 144 |
XLIV | 146 |
XLV | 148 |
XLVI | 151 |
XLVII | 154 |
XLVIII | 157 |
XLIX | 159 |
L | 162 |
LI | 167 |
LIII | 169 |
LIV | 173 |
LV | 176 |
LVI | 179 |
LVII | 187 |
LVIII | 192 |
LIX | 196 |
LX | 203 |
LXII | 206 |
LXIII | 210 |
LXIV | 212 |
LXV | 214 |
LXVI | 216 |
LXVII | 217 |
LXVIII | 220 |
LXIX | 221 |
LXX | 224 |
LXXI | 230 |
LXXXI | 267 |
LXXXII | 270 |
LXXXIII | 276 |
LXXXIV | 279 |
LXXXVI | 281 |
LXXXVII | 284 |
LXXXVIII | 288 |
LXXXIX | 290 |
XC | 291 |
XCI | 293 |
XCII | 296 |
XCIII | 300 |
XCV | 303 |
XCVI | 306 |
XCVII | 308 |
XCVIII | 310 |
XCIX | 312 |
C | 314 |
CI | 316 |
CII | 319 |
CIII | 321 |
CIV | 324 |
CV | 328 |
CVI | 331 |
CVII | 333 |
CVIII | 336 |
CIX | 338 |
CX | 341 |
CXI | 347 |
CXII | 353 |
CXIII | 355 |
CXIV | 358 |
CXV | 360 |
CXVI | 364 |
CXVII | 367 |
CXVIII | 369 |
CXX | 374 |
CXXI | 375 |
CXXII | 378 |
CXXIII | 382 |
CXXIV | 386 |
CXXV | 396 |
CXXVI | 398 |
CXXVII | 405 |
CXXVIII | 409 |
CXXIX | 413 |
CXXX | 418 |
CXXXI | 422 |
CXXXII | 427 |
CXXXIII | 429 |
CXXXIV | 434 |
442 | |
Other editions - View all
Science under Control: The French Academy of Sciences 1795-1914 Maurice Crosland No preview available - 1992 |
Common terms and phrases
Academicians Académiciens libres Académie Française Academy of Sciences Academy's accepted agriculture ancien régime appointed Arago astronomy award became Berthelot Biot botany candidates career Cauchy chemist chemistry section claim Class Claude Bernard colleagues Collège de France Comité secret commission Comptes rendus considered contributions Cuvier discussion Dumas early Ecole Polytechnique eighteenth century elected éloge established example favour France Franco-Prussian war French science Gay-Lussac Geoffroy Henri Poincaré higher education honour Ibid ideas important included Institute interest journal Laplace later Lavoisier major mathematician mathematics mechanics section medicine membership memoir mineralogy Minister Ministry Montyon Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle Napoleon nineteenth century nominated official organic chemistry organisation Paris Pasteur physics section physiology Poincaré political presented prize problem Public Instruction public meeting published Raspail recognised represented Revolution Royal Academy Royal Society savants scientists secretary senior social Society of Arcueil specialist theory Third Republic vacancy zoology
References to this book
Troubled Harvest: Agronomy and Revolution in Mexico, 1880-2002 Joseph Cotter No preview available - 2003 |