Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, Volume 8Published under the direction of the Modern Language Depts. of Harvard University by Ginn & Company, 1903 - Literature, Modern |
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adventure Ahlström Alfred Nutt ancient Celtic Annwn appears Arawn Arthur Arthurian Avartach beautiful birds Book of Leinster Bran Breton Calogrenant castle Celtic Celtic Other-World Celtic story Celtique Celts century child Chrétien Chrétien's Ivain combat Connla creature Cuchulinn Curoi daughter Diarmaid Echtra episode Erec Esclados fairy mistress story Fand fée Finn Fled Bricrend Foerster Fountain Perilous Gawain Giant Herdsman Gilla Decair Gorgol Gorlagon Gruagach hand hero horse husband Imram incident Ireland Irische Texte Irish island Ivain Iwain king knight lady lady's land Laudine Liban lion Loegaire Lunete Mabinogion Mag Mell magic maiden Mailduin Manannán Manannán mac Lir märchen Matron of Ephesus Melion motive original Other-World Journey Other-World landscape parallel probably Pwyll quod returned Rhŷs romance Serglige shape-shifter Slothful Gillie Sword of Light Tochmarc translation tree Voyage of Bran warrior Welsh werewolf Werewolf's Tale wife wolf woman World Yvain Zimmer