Here's Audacity!: American Legendary Heroes |
OLD STORMALONGThe DeepWater Sailor | 17 |
KWASINDHercules of the American Indians | 35 |
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Alfred Bulltop Stormalong arrived asked Babe Babe's beautiful Big Onion Bill Smotherall Bill's Billy Puget blue ox Bob Turket bunkhouses called camp cap'm Casey Jones catamount champion Courser cowboy cowman coyote drink Eel River Eel River Landing eyes feet fell fellow Fiend gang George Hood goin gray horse hammah hand hodag hole hundred iron cudgel Jim Hill John Henry Kemp Morgan knew knock Kwasind logger logs looked melon miles Mister Stormalong molasses never night Noche Ole Olsen once Paul Bunyan Paul's Pecos Bill Pecos River prairie pretty pull pulque ranch ride rode says ship Skin for skin skipper Sourdough Sourdough Sam started steam drill Steed storm Strap Buckner swift gray horse tail tell Texas thing thunder told Tony Beaver took tree Turket and Bill wagon wanted West Virginia yelled