Cells: Light microscopy and cell structureCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1998 - Cytology Having identified a gene product, how do you determine what it does? The answer lies in Cells, a new manual designed to do for studies of cell biology what Cold Spring Harbor's Molecular Cloning has done for molecular biology.-- Sets the standard for techniques of proven bench reliability needed by all biomedical scientists studying cellular structure and function-- Delivers consistent, precisely crafted step-by-step protocols in an accessible format, with essential background details and in-depth advice on pitfalls and problem solving-- Created by three distinguished cell biologist/educators, from the contributions of over 180 leading cell biologists-- Complete with more than 300 expertly selected and superbly reproduced illustrations, over 70 in color. |
Monitoring Molecular Dynamics In Vivo Using Fluorescence Techniques 76 | 76-1 |
VOLUME 1 | 77-1 |
Heterologous Expression of the Green Fluorescent Protein 78 1 | 78-1 |
Copyright | |
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