Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler: Slaves, Aliens, and VampiresChanging Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler: Slaves, Aliens, and Vampires is a timely text that critically situates Butler's fiction in several fields of study including American, African-American, gender, and science fiction studies. This book attempts to avoid excluding as many readers as possible by evading esoteric jargon while still engaging the interdisciplinary discourses that respond to Butler's fiction. The study asserts that Butler's fiction transforms the way the body is imagined with reference to race and gender. This text examines how Butler's fiction is able to cross several genre boundaries while simultaneously reshaping the genre of science fiction. This book makes the claim that Butler's fiction is crucial for contemporary and future investigations of identity formation. Discussions of race, class, and sex are reoccurring topic that are inextricable to any understanding of body politics and theory. This book is filled with exciting and insightful discussions that raise questions about what constitutes humanity in Butler's fiction and in the real world. Ultimately, the purpose of the text is to add to the scholarship surrounding Butler and to bring her to the attention of audiences that might otherwise overlook her work. This book is an invitation for readers inside and outside of the academy to discover the fiction of Octavia Butler. |
History Revision and Rememory of Bodies | 1 |
The Paradox of Bodily Inscriptions | 25 |
Hierarchies of Identity | 47 |
Octavia Butler Wole Soyinka and WEB Du Bois | 67 |
Butlers Changing God | 83 |
Chapter 6 Migration of the Hybrid Body | 99 |
Reading Racial and Gender Politics in the Fiction of Octavia Butler | 115 |
Other editions - View all
Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler: Slaves, Aliens, and Vampires Gregory Jerome Hampton No preview available - 2010 |
Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler: Slaves, Aliens, and Vampires Gregory Jerome Hampton No preview available - 2010 |
Common terms and phrases
ability Adulthood Rites African American Alice Amber ambiguity antebellum become black female body black woman Bloodchild Book of Martha boundaries Butler’s fiction Butler's narratives Butler’s writing chapter characters chthonic Clay’s Clay's Ark Clayarks construction Coransee cultural Dana Dana’s despite difference discourse Doro and Anyanwu Doro’s Earthseed ethnicity existence experience fact father feminist gender genetic genre of SF human hybrid identify identity imagination Iola Leroy Jansee Jodahs Kevin Kindred Lauren literary literature male marginalized bodies Mary Mary’s middle passage Mind miscegenation Nebula Award notion novel Oankali Octavia Butler Olamina ooloi Parable past patriarch pattern Patternist series political postmodern present protagonist questions race racial Rayal reader religion Robledo role Rufus Science Fiction sexual Shori slave narrative slavery social Sower Soyinka suggests survival Teray tion traditional understanding utopian vampire Weylin Wheatley wild seed Wildseed Wildseed narrative women Xenogenesis series Yoruba