Radio Manufacturers of the 1920's: RCA to ZenithVestal Press, 1991 - Radio supplies industry |
Common terms and phrases
aerial Airline amateur amplifier antenna apparatus audio bakelite beautiful binding posts built cabinet Catalog chassis circuit complete condenser Cone Speaker console dealer Dept detector dial dry cell engineer Equasonne equipment factory finished head set inches July June laboratory less tubes license List Price loud speaker Loudspeaker mahogany manufacturing McDonald meters Model Neutrodyne panel patent phonograph plant production Radio Broadcast Radio Corporation radio frequency radio receiver Radio Retailing radio set Radiodyne Radiola 20 Radiotrons RCA Radiola receiving set reception regenerative reproducer rheostat Scott Screen-Grid Sept Shielded Grid short wave Slagle Sleeper socket Sonora Sparton Splitdorf stage stations Steinite Stewart-Warner storage battery Stromberg-Carlson Super-Heterodyne telephone Term of patent tests Thermiodyne Thompson Thorola tion tone quality transformers TRESCO tuner tuning Tuska unit vacuum tube variometer volume walnut Ware wave length Western Electric Westinghouse wire Wireless WJAZ WorkRite World York Zenith Radio Zenith Radio Corporation