Kfz. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Light Off-Road Passenger Cars

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MMP, Apr 18, 2019 - History - 80 pages
The leichter geländegängiger Personenkraftwagen, or l. gl. Einheits-Pkw - light off-road passenger cars - were manufactured by Stoewer, Hanomag and BMW from 1936 to early 1944. The superstructures were delivered by ten different companies and were identical from each manufacturer. Early versions had both 4-wheel drive and steering which later was dropped to just 4 wheel drive and front wheel steering.

These off road cars were used by the German Army in 4 distinct versions with the designations Kfz. 1, Kfz. 2, Kfz. 3 and Kfz. 4

This profusely illustrated photo album includes over 120 previously unseen pictures, many from private sources in Germany.

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