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" He pleaded with the same sincerity that he used in the other parts of his life, and used to say : — It was as great a dishonour as a man was capable of, that for a little money he was to be hired to say or do otherwise than as he thought. "
Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Charles Buck, Author of the Theological ... - Page 204
by Charles Buck - 1808
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Contemplations, Moral and Divine ...: To which is Prefixed, an ..., Volume 1

Matthew Hale - 1763 - 440 pages
...fincerity that he ufed in the other parts of his life, and ufed to fay, " It was as great a difho" nour as a man was capable of, that, for a little money, " he was to be hired to fay or do otherwife than as he " thought:" All this he afcribed to the unmeafurable defire of heaping...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th], Volume 1, Part 1

1805 - 506 pages
...professional engagements the same sincerity, which was displayed in other transactions of his life ; and used to say, " It was as great a dishonour as a man was capable of, that for a little money he was hired to say or do otherwise than as he thought." He would never accept of any compensation from parties...
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The Works, Moral and Religious, of Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. ...: The ..., Volume 1

Sir Matthew Hale - Christianity - 1805 - 624 pages
...fincerity that he ufed in the other parts of his life ; and ufed to fay, ' It * was as great a difhonour as a man was capable of, * that for a little money he was to be hired to fay or ' do otherwife than as he thought.' All this he afcribed to the unmeafurable defire of heaping...
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The Works, Moral and Religious, of Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. ...: The ..., Volume 1

Sir Matthew Hale, Thomas Thirlwall - Theology - 1805 - 564 pages
...fincerity that he ufed in the other parts of his life ; and ufed to fay, * It * was as great a difhonour as a man was capable of, * that for a little money he was to be hired to fay or * do otherwife than as he thought.' All this he afciibed to the unmeafurable defire of heaping...
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The Life of Sir Matthew Hale, Knt, Volume 20

Gilbert Burnet - 1806 - 346 pages
...fincerity that he ufed in the other parts of his life ; and ufed to fay, It was as great a di/honour as a man was capable of, that for a little money he was to he hired to fay or do otherwife than as he thought. All this he afcribed to the unmeafurable dejire...
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Characteristic Anecdotes of Men of Learning and Genius, Natives of Great ...

John Watkins - Authors, English - 1808 - 752 pages
...was Unjust, he would not meddle with it, saying, that it was as great a dishonour as a man could be capable of, that for a little money he was to be hired to say or do otherwise than he thought." '"* The piece of money so called at that time, was worth twenty shillings. *: ' When When he was a...
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The Quarterly Theological Magazine, and Religious Repository ..., Volume 1

Theology - 1813 - 486 pages
...was unjust, he would not meddle with it, saying, " that it was as great a dishonour as a man could be capable of, that for a little money he was to be hired to say or do otherwise than he thought." When he was a practitioner, differences were often referred to him, which he settled, but would accept...
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Volume 4

Francis Wrangham - Great Britain - 1816 - 532 pages
...distinguished the other parts of his life, he used to say, ' It was as great a dishonour as a man could be capable of, that for a little money he was to be hired to say or do otherwise than as he thought.' All this he ascribed to the immeasurable desire of heaping up wealth, which corrupted...
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Volume 4

Francis Wrangham - Great Britain - 1816 - 536 pages
...distinguished the other parts of his life, he used to say, ' It was as great a dishonour as a man could be capable of, that for a little money he was to be hired to say or dp otherwise than as he thought.' All this he ascribed to the immeasurable desire of heaping up wealth,...
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The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 25

Joseph Priestley - Theology - 1780 - 494 pages
...first.1' Yet, " he pleaded with the same sincerity that he used, in the other parts of his life, and used to say, it was as great a dishonour as a, he was to be hired to say or do otherwise than as he thought." Ibid. pp. 144, 145. and courts,* who are able to give the greatest price, whose views...
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