Paul's Conundrum: Reconciling 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 and Romans 9:1-5 in Light of His Calling and His HeritagePaul is a polarizing figure in biblical history. He was stubborn. He was opinionated. He was an obstinate man. Many women distrust him because some of the language in today's world appears to be misogynistic and advocating for the suppression of women. Others accuse him of being in favor of slavery. However, it is to his own Jewish people that Paul creates the most antipathy and the most divisiveness. Was Paul an anti-Semite? Was Paul a self-hating Jew? Was Paul misunderstood and wrongly accused? This is the debate that has been raging for almost two millennia. Paul's Conundrum seeks to answer these questions through an analysis of his two most controversial passages--1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 and Romans 9:1-5. Amy Downey has sought to reconcile these passages through a conservative, evangelical approach that not only considers the Jewish man Paul, but also Paul the Apostle of Messiah Jesus. Downey considers the historical setting of the two passages, analyzes the exegesis of the passages in question, and seeks to respond to three separate but unique theological controversies that arise out of these letters. Hopefully by the end of this book, the reader will be left with only one question: "Just how far was Paul willing to go to realize the salvation of the Jewish people?" |
PART | 5 |
PART | 21 |
15 | 37 |
Rationale and Error of Dual Covenantalism Romans | 69 |
15 | 79 |
Conclusion | 90 |
Other editions - View all
Paul's Conundrum: Reconciling 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 and Romans 9:1-5 in ... Amy Karen Downey No preview available - 2011 |
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Abraham ajnavqema Anti-Judaism Anti-Semitism aorist argument Arlington Baptist College Balz Baptist Baur Beker biblical Bockmuehl Bruce Calvin chapter Christ Commentary concept Conflict at Thessalonica considered covenant Cranfield Donfried Downey doxology dual covenantalism Dunn Early Christianity EDNT eschatological eternal Ethnic Issues eu[comai exegetical expression F. F. Bruce faith Fitzmyer Garrett Gentiles God’s Gospel Hiebert Holocaust Holtz Human Paul interpolation Israel Jewish Christians Jewish evangelism Jewish Presence Judaism latreiva macArthur messiah messiah Jesus Messiahship Messianic Judaism Murrell Narrative Theology NIDNTT Old Testament passage Paul the Apostle Paul’s Epistle Paul's Letter Pauline Persecuted the Thessalonian phrase position privilege promises proseujcomai Provoked to Jealousy question reality reject relationship replacement theology Roman church Rome Ruether salvation sanday and Headlam schlatter scholars schreiner scripture Second Epistles soulen spiritual statement synagogue TDNT Testament of Levi theologians Thess Thessalonian Christians Thessalonian church Thessalonian Epistles tion translation understanding verb verse Wallace Wanamaker Westenholz word wrath