The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon: In which is Included a Continuation of His History of the Grand Rebellion, Volume 1

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Page 34 - Charles Cotton was a gentleman born to a competent fortune, and so qualified in his person and education, that for many years he continued the greatest ornament of the town, in the esteem of those who had been best bred. His natural parts were very great, his wit flowing in all the parts of conversation : the superstructure of learning not raised to a considerable height; but having passed some years in Cambridge, and then in France, and conversing always with learned men, his expressions...
Page 33 - was a person whom no character can flatter, or transmit in any expressions equal to his merit and virtue. He was of so stupendous...
Page 39 - He was a person of a pleasant and facetious wit, and made many poems, especially in the amorous way, which, for the sharpness of the fancy, and the elegancy of the language in which that fancy was spread, were at least equal, if not superior, to any of that time...
Page 52 - ... as if a tenth muse had been newly born to cherish drooping poetry. The doctor, at that time, brought him into that company which was most celebrated for good conversation ; where he was received and esteemed with great applause and respect. He was a very pleasant discourser, in earnest and in jest, and, therefore, very grateful to all kind of com194 pany, where he was not the less esteemed for being very rich.
Page 42 - ... no man sooner or more disappointed this general and customary prejudice : that little person and small stature was quickly found to contain a great heart, a courage so keen, and a nature so fearless, that no composition of the strongest limbs, and most harmonious and proportioned presence and strength, ever more disposed any man to the greatest enterprise...
Page 356 - He had been most strict and severe in chastising all irregularities. " insomuch," says Clarendon, " that sure there was never any such body of men, so without rapine, swearing, drinking, or any other debauchery — but the wickedness of their hearts.
Page 447 - They found the utter extirpation of the nation (which they had intended) to be in itself very difficult, and to carry in it somewhat of horror, that made some impression upon the stone-hardness of their own hearts.
Page 158 - King would yield and consent to what they desire ; so that my conscience is only concerned in honour and gratitude to follow my master. I have eaten his bread and served him near thirty years, and will not do so base a thing as to forsake him ; and choose rather to lose my Life (which I am sure I shall do) to preserve and defend those things, which are against my conscience to preserve and defend.
Page 43 - ... applications to his father for his pardon, that could be made ; and, for the prejudice he had brought upon his fortune by bringing no portion to him...
Page 56 - He was amongst the few excellent men who never had, nor ever could have an enemy, but such a one who was an enemy to all learning and virtue, and therefore would never make himself known.

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