Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Volume 5; Volume 12Modern Language Association of America, 1897 - Philology, Modern |
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Common terms and phrases
aftre agane allegorical Amyntas Arcadia Ariosto armes barounes batell Beowulf Bradamante Bretan Britomart Careless Shepherdess characters commaunded contrey court Cristen dame dedes doghtre doon doune Englond Erle euery fadre Faery Queen fair Fernan Perez feste forto frende Furioso Gaston Paris gedre Gode Gomez Manrique grete ioye gretly Guenelete hade haue herd Herland hert hertt Hildebrandslied honde kepe King knyght kyng kyng Ponthus lady leve litle lordes loue maner mervell mony myche myght neuer Orlando Furioso orthography othre passages pastoral drama play plot poem poet Pollides Ponthus pouere putt quene reaume Rhodon romance ryght Saresyns sayd scene scribe sheld shepherd shepherdess shuld smote sonne sorowe Spenser sume Surdyte Sydone ther theym theyr Thirsis thoght thonked thyng toke toune twoo tyme verse Virgen vnto vpon wele wher wold wolle words worshipp wyse wyst ye haue